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Kushagra Mohan becomes the latest International Master of India

by Shahid Ahmed - 08/09/2022

17-year-old CM Kushagra Mohan became the latest International Master of India on 25th August 2022. The Telangana boy scored his final IM-norm at 28th Abu Dhabi Masters, about 50 days after he scored his second IM-norm at Serbia Masters 2022 in July. He also crossed 2400 at the same event in Novi Sad, Serbia. His live rating is now 2426. The teenager is three GM-norms and 74 Elo rating points away from becoming India's next GM. The boy's quest for Grandmaster title continues at Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Trophy GM Open which starts in 11 days. Check out his journey towards the IM title who has not had a coach for the last six years. Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Working on his own since 2016

"I was expecting my norm. I was confident that I will be able to score a norm." - CM Kushagra Mohan on scoring his final IM-norm at 28th Abu Dhabi Masters 2022. The 17-year-old now aims to become a Grandmaster soon. As for studies, he might go for some degree but not for a job, his main profession will be chess according to him.

CM Kushagra Mohan becomes the latest International Master of India | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy
Interview with the latest International Master of India - CM Kushagra Mohan | Video: ChessBase India

First IM-norm

Kushagra scored his first IM-norm at World Youth Under-16 Open in October 2019. He drew with IM Santiago Avila Pavas (COL), IM Stefan Pogosyan (RUS), and IM Rudik Makaryan (RUS). He earned the norm in nine rounds scoring 6.5/9.

Emirhan - Kushagra, World Youth 2019

Position after 36.f3

36.f3 is a big mistake. Can you find out why?

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Kushagra scored his maiden IM-norm in nine rounds scoring 6.5/9

Kushagra Mohan at World Youth Under-16 Open 2019

Second IM-norm

Kushagra scored his second IM-norm and crossed 2400 at Serbia Masters 2022 in Novi Sad, Serbia. He scored 5.5/9. He defeated GM Arjun Kalyan and IM Alisher Suleymenov (KAZ), drew with GM Alexandr Predke, GM Vahap Sanal (TUR), IM P Shyam Nikhil, IM Koustav Chatterjee and IM Yair Parkhov (ISR).

Kushagra - Arjun Kalyan, Serbia Masters 2022

Position after 30.Re6

30...Nc6 is the correct way to save the minor pieces. 31.Nxe5 Bd7 32.Nxd7 Kxd7 33.Rh6 Rxh2 and Black is doing fine. 30...Kd7 allows White to gain two important pawns on the queenside 31.Rxa6 Rxf3 32.Bxb5+ Kd8 33.Ra8+ Nc8 34.Bxe8 and White is complete winning the endgame whether Black decides to take the bishop or not. Kushagra seized his opportunity and went on to win the game.

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Endgame Tactics - New, Improved and Expanded Edition: A Comprehensive Guide to the Sunny Side of Chess Endgames by Van Perlo

Kushagra scored 5.5/9, performed at 2542 and gained 48.2 Elo rating points at Serbia Masters 2022

Third IM-norm

A month and a half later, Kushagra scored his final IM-norm at 28th Abu Dhabi Masters 2022 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. He made a good start of scoring an unbeaten 2/3 including two draws against GM Abhijeet Gupta and GM Samvel Ter-Sahakyan (ARM). He also drew with GM Manuel Petrosyan (ARM) in the sixth round.

Kushagra - Abhijeet, 28th Abu Dhabi Masters

Position after 31...Nb7

Kushagra got himself a promising position. He opted for the trade of the queens 32.Qc4 Qxc4 33.Nxc4. Black was relieved. Instead, 33.h4 was a viable option as Black has no real threats or target, White could have pushed a bit further.

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Kushagra performed at 2471, to become India's latest IM

Kushagra Mohan (right) certainly pushed Mr. Commonwealth, GM Abhijeet Gupta to his limit | Photo: Rupali Mullick

Replay Kushagra's games


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@ 28/02/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)

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