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MPL 34th National U-10 R5-6: Madhvendra Pratap Sharma scores a double hat-trick, gains sole lead

by Shahid Ahmed - 29/04/2022

Madhvendra Pratap Sharma (MP) bested two challenges from West Bengal - Parambrata Sarkar and Mayukh Majumder in Round 5 and 6 respectively. He scored convincing victories in both games to gain sole lead 6.0/6 at MPL 34th National Under-10 Open Chess Championship 2022. 157th seeded Yug Tarun Khiani (KAR) continues his impressive run. He is the only player at a half point behind the leader 5.5/6. Among the Girls, Maitreyi Mondal (WB) beat Siddhi Rao (KAR) to take sole lead 5.0/5. Then she lost the next game to Charvi A (KAR) who is now the new leader among the Girls along with Hanya Shah (GUJ) at 5.5/6 each. Round 7 which starts today at 9:00 a.m. IST. Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Charvi and Hanya share the lead among the Girls

Madhvendra Pratap Sharma (MP) scored a dominant 6.0/6 which means a double hat-trick. Second seeded Charvi A (KAR) and eleventh seeded Hanya Shah (GUJ) are at a steady place gained the lead 5.5/6. They had already faced each other in the fourth round where none emerged victorious.

Madhvendra Pratap Sharma has his eyes on the first prize | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Open Round 5: Parambrata - Madhvendra: 0-1

8-year-old Madhvendra Pratap Sharma (MP, 1527) showed brilliant positional understanding against Parambrata Sarkar (WB, 1117).

Position after 29.Bc5

29...Rxc5 is the obvious exchange sacrifice that springs to mind when glancing this position. However, when an eight-year-old spots and plays it, you can tell easily that the boy is quite strong. Actually it is just an exchange, not exactly a sacrifice because Black gained two pawns and a bishop for a rook. 30.bxc5 Qxc5+ 31.Kh1 Qxa5 and Black went on to win the game.

The Art of the Positional Exchange Sacrifice by  Sergei Tiviakov
The Art of the Positional Exchange Sacrifice by Sergei Tiviakov
Sacrifice and Initiative in Chess: Seize the Moment to Get the Advantage by Ivan Sokolov
Sacrifice and Initiative in Chess: Seize the Moment to Get the Advantage by Ivan Sokolov

Madhvendra Pratap Sharma (MP) scored an emphatic victory against Parambrata Sarkar (WB) | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Niladri Banerjee (WB, 1288) was better for the majority of the game, however he was unable to make most out of it against Mithilesh Ranjithkumar (TN, 1151) | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Newly crowned MPL 31st National Under-18 Open champion, CM Soham Kamotra making the first move of Round 5 at the top board of Open event | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy
Soham Kamotra talks about his life after winning MPL 31st National Under-18 | Video: ChessBase India

Round 6: Mayukh - Madhvendra: 0-1

Madhvendra Pratap Sharma (MP, 1527) could have gained substantial advantage out of the opening against Mayukh Majumder (WB, 1406).

Position after 8.b4

8...Bxf2+ is absolutely fine for Black. The bishop is not going to get trapped after 9.Ke2 because f6 is there. Black decided to not take a risk and played 8...Be7.

Position after 16.Bd4

16.Bd4 turned out to be the decisive positional mistake Nxd4 17.cxd4 Ba4 and Black has a significant advantage. He had no trouble converting it into a win.

Power play 22: A Repertoire for Black with the French Defence
Power play 22: A Repertoire for Black with the French Defence
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.2 - Practical Play by Ivan Sokolov
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.2 - Practical Play by Ivan Sokolov

Madhvendra Pratap Sharma (MP) maintained his sole lead by defeating Mayukh Majumder (WB) | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Girls Round 5: Siddhi - Maitreyi: 0-1

In a battle between two leaders, Maitreyi Mondal (WB, 1182) emerged victorious against National Under-7 Girls 2019 champion, Siddhi Rao (WB, 1151).

Position after 6...e6

White could have seized an early advantage when Black went wrong 6...e6. 7.Nb5 threatening Nd6 would have been deadly.

Position after 13...0-0

Black is okay to give up an exchange after 13...0-0 because of having an active bishop pair. 14.Nc7 Rb8 15.Bc5 Bxb2 16.Bxf8 Kxf8. The position is much pleasant to play as Black than White, despite being down by an exchange. Soon White made a tactical mistake causing her to lose a piece in another six moves and Black won the game eventually.

How to slay the Sicilian Vol.2 - 2...Nc6 by Roeland Pruijsses, Nico Zwirs
How to slay the Sicilian Vol.2 - 2...Nc6 by Roeland Pruijsses, Nico Zwirs
Power Play 14 - Test Your Tactics
Power Play 14 - Test Your Tactics

Maitreyi Mondal (WB) beat Siddhi Rao (KAR) to gain sole lead 5.0/5 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy
Final moments: Siddhi Rao vs Maitreyi Mondal | Video: ChessBase India

Soham Kamotra made the first move on the top board of Round 5 in the Girls event | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Charvi A (KAR) defeated Ishani Das (ODI) comfortably | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Round 6: Maitreyi - Charvi: 0-1

Maitreyi Mondal (WB, 1182) got a fantastic position out of the opening against Charvi A (KAR, 1267). She was better for the majority of the game. However, Charvi showed perseverance.

Position after 30...Rfb8

31.d6 having the idea of f6, Rh3 would have been winning for White. Here White played a dubious move 31.Bc2. Black happily exchanged 31...Bxc2 32.Kxc2 a5 33.Ng3 a4 34.Rff3 Rh6. Black is back in the game. After a few mistakes, White got checkmated.

Charvi waited for her opportunity against Maitreyi and seized it | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Hanya Shah (GUJ, 1149) defeated Chaturthi Pardeshi (MAH) to join the lead with Charvi | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

CM Soham Kamotra with the Jammu and Kashmir participants | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

For more Round 5 and Round 6 photos, please click at the respective links.

The Kangra Fort - Venue tour | Video: ChessBase India

A total of 149 players in the Open and 89 players in the Girls tournament are taking part. It is organized by Crown Trust. Both tournaments are taking place at The Kangra Fort, Barnai, Jammu from 26th April to 1st May 2022. The eleven-round Swiss league tournament has a time control of 90 minutes + 30 seconds increment from move no.1.

Replay Open Round 5-6 games

Replay Girls Round 5-6 games

Open Round 6 results

17Mayukh Majumder1406West Bengal0 - 15Madhvendra Pratap Sharma1527Madhya Pradesh5
218Sanjay Narayanan P S1286Tamil Nadu½ - ½Mithilesh Ranjithkumar1151Tamil Nadu34
324Sai Abhinav Kuchibhotla1217Tamil Nadu0 - 1Yug Tarun Khiani0Karnataka157
44Aansh Nandan Nerurkar1564Maharashtra41 - 04Mahir Taneja1143Delhi36
550Sahrudh M P1087Andhra Pradesh40 - 14Apaar Saxena1306Karnataka13
652Pratiyush Kumar1076Bihar4½ - ½4Rishabh Kumar1299Delhi15
756Krishnav Mrinmoy Hazarika1059Assam40 - 14Siddhanth Poonja1230Karnataka21
826Pranav Sai Ram R S1193Tamil Nadu4½ - ½4Shaashvat Gupta1135Maharashtra39
928AFMNehanraj Ramesh1190Tamil Nadu4½ - ½4Parambrata Sarkar1117West Bengal43
1011AFMMithun Pranav1327Tamil Nadu0 - 14Navaneel Chhatui1094West Bengal49


Round 7 pairings

15Madhvendra Pratap Sharma1527Madhya Pradesh6Yug Tarun Khiani0Karnataka157
234Mithilesh Ranjithkumar1151Tamil Nadu55Aansh Nandan Nerurkar1564Maharashtra4
313Apaar Saxena1306Karnataka55Siddhanth Poonja1230Karnataka21
449Navaneel Chhatui1094West Bengal55Sanjay Narayanan P S1286Tamil Nadu18
535Dolas Aarush1149MaharashtraVivaan Vishal Shah1665Gujarat2
632Tanish Ragavan S1164Tamil NaduMayukh Majumder1406West Bengal7
79Shashveen A K1389DelhiAFMNehanraj Ramesh1190Tamil Nadu28
815Rishabh Kumar1299DelhiShaashvat Gupta1135Maharashtra39
917Niladri Banerjee1288West BengalPratiyush Kumar1076Bihar52
1043Parambrata Sarkar1117West BengalSai Abhinav Kuchibhotla1217Tamil Nadu24


Girls Round 6 results

16Maitreyi MondalU101182West Bengal50 - 1Charvi AU101267Karnataka2
258Pardeshi ChaturthiU100Maharashtra0 - 1Hanya ShahU101149Gujarat11
318Ameya A RU101053Kerala40 - 14Krupha S UkkaliU101223Karnataka3
480Tanvee TokalaU100Telangana40 - 14Siddhi RaoU101151Karnataka10
514Pal VedikaU101101Maharashtra41 - 04Aishwarya NU100Telangana30
64Banker ReyaU101204Gujarat1 - 04Jyotika SahooU100Odisha43
78Anaya AgarwalU101171Telangana1 - 0Tripurambika VU100Andhra Pradesh81
837Divyanshi KhandelwalU100Maharashtra0 - 1Tanusri SU101111Tamil Nadu13
963Ritisha Mayra RajbongshiU100Assam1 - 0Ishani DasU101049Odisha19
1054Navieka JaiswalU100Jharkhand1 - 0Charudharshini RU101047Tamil Nadu20


Round 7 pairings

12Charvi AU101267Karnataka5Siddhi RaoU101151Karnataka10
211Hanya ShahU101149Gujarat5Maitreyi MondalU101182West Bengal6
33Krupha S UkkaliU101223Karnataka55Pal VedikaU101101Maharashtra14
413Tanusri SU101111Tamil NaduBanker ReyaU101204Gujarat4
558Pardeshi ChaturthiU100MaharashtraAnaya AgarwalU101171Telangana8
663Ritisha Mayra RajbongshiU100AssamNavieka JaiswalU100Jharkhand54
756Ovi Renuk PawadeU100Maharashtra44Aadya RanganathU101133Karnataka12
817Anshika DongreU101067Madhya Pradesh44Shreya RajeshU100Karnataka71
985Varniga RU100Andhra Pradesh44Ameya A RU101053Kerala18
1023AFMDiya Digamber SawalU100Goa44Srinika SU100Tamil Nadu74


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