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MPL 59th National Senior R2: The Deep Queen sac

by Shahid Ahmed - 24/12/2022

19-year-old Akshit Kumar J (AP) scored the first big upset of MPL 59th National Senior Chess Championship 2022. He defeated GM-elect IM Arghyadip Das who could not find the best way to save his pinned knight. Multi-time Hastings Masters winner and Commonwealth Gold medalist, GM Deep Sengupta (PSPB) sacrificed his queen against the reigning National Under-17 Open champion, CM Mayank Chakraborty (ASM). While Deep did not follow through correctly and finish things off earlier, nevertheless he managed to score the full point. Bharat Kumar Reddy Poluri (TEL), M Anees M (TN), Dhananjay S (CHT), Shreyansh Daklia (CHT), Kartavya Anadkat (GUJ), Grahesh Y (AP), Rupam Mukherjee (WB) and Tapan Badamundi (ODI) held their respective Grandmaster opponents to a draw each. Round 3 starts today at 2 p.m. IST today. Photo: Shahid Ahmed

Akshit surprises Arghyadip

A total of dozen IM and GMs were denied a full point by their relatively lower rated untitled opponents. Untitled Akshit Kumar J (ODI) scored the sole victory against a titled player, IM Arghyadip Das (RSPB).

GM Deep Sengupta made a fantastic queen sacrifice | Photo: Shahid Ahmed

Mayank - Deep: 0-1

GM Deep Sengupta (PSPB, 2486) made a nice queen sacrifice against CM Mayank Chakraborty (ASM, 2179). Although, he did not follow through correctly.

Position after 34...fxe3!

34...fxe3 works because 35.Nxc7 exf2+ 36.Kf1 and now Black needed to play Bg3! the correct follow through against which White has no defense. 36...Bxc7 was played probably in time scramble and to reach 40 moves quickly. Black eventually won the game as it was certainly not easy to defend against Black's stronghold surrounding the f2-pawn and the back-rank checkmate threat.

Positional Chess Sacrifices by Mihai Suba
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Winning Chess Strategies Vol.1 - The Art of Sacrifices and Initiative by Romain Edouard

Arghyadip - Akshit

Position after 32...Rb5

Black has made a deadly pin on the b-file. The only way to ensure White does not lose the knight for nothing is to play 33.d5 now. 33...Reb8 34.d6! Nxd6 35.Rd3 and White has successfully managed to unpin the knight. Yes, White had to give up both d and b-pawns but it's certainly not losing for him. 33.Re1 f5 and the b4-knight is a goner. Black won the game in the next few moves.

Recognizing Your Opponent's Resources: Developing Preventive Thinking by Mark Dvoretsky
Recognizing Your Opponent's Resources: Developing Preventive Thinking by Mark Dvoretsky

Anuj - Gaurang

Position after 51...c3

White can still win the game despite c2 followed by c1 seem to be unstoppable. Try to find out how.

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Endgame Virtuoso Magnus Carlsen: His Extraordinary Skills Uncovered and Explained by Tibor Karolyi

The last encounter between IM Anuj Shrivatri and CM Gaurang Bagwe was also a draw earlier this year at 3rd Gujarat GM Open 2022 | Photo: Aditya Sur Roy

Some notable results

Bharat Kumar Reddy Poluri (TEL) - GM Visakh N R (RSPB): 0.5-0.5

GM Shyam Sundar M (TN) - FM Mohamed Anees M (TN): 0.5-0.5

Dhananjay S (CHT) - GM Swapnil S Dhopade (RSPB): 0.5-0.5

Shreyansh Daklia (CHT) - GM Sandipan Chanda (WB): 0.5-0.5

Kartavya Anadkat (GUJ) -  GM Venkatesh M R (PSPB): 0.5-0.5

IM Arghyadip Das (RSPB) - Akshit Kumar J (AP): 0-1

Kaivalya Sandip Nagare (MAH) - IM Srihari L R (TN): 0.5-0.5

IM Anuj Shrivatri (MP) - CM Gaurang Bagwe (MAH): 0.5-0.5

GM Laxman R R (RSPB) - Grahesh Y (AP): 0.5-0.5

FM Ayushh Ravikumar (TN) - IM Avinash Ramesh (TN): 0.5-0.5

GM Deepan Chakkravarthy (RSPB) - Rupam Mukherjee (WB): 0.5-0.5

Tapan Badamundi (ODI) - GM Sriram Jha (LIC): 0.5-0.5

Ujjawal Bansal (GUJ) - IM Ratnakaran K (RSPB): 0.5-0.5


A total of 196 players including 18 GMs and 27 IMs are taking part in this tournament organized by Delhi Chess Association. The event is taking place in New Delhi from 22nd December 2022 to 3rd January 20233. The 13-round Swiss league tournament has a time control of 90 minutes for 40 moves followed by 30 minutes with an increment of 30 seconds from move no.1

Replay Round 2 games

Round 2 results

158Varun V225010 - 11GMSethuraman S.P.26421PGN
259IMSaravana Krishnan P.224410 - 11GMGupta Abhijeet26013PGN
34GMMendonca Leon Luke256611 - 01Praloy Sahoo224161PGN
460Bharat Kumar Reddy Poluri22431½ - ½1GMVisakh N R25445PGN
56GMShyam Sundar M.25261½ - ½1FMMohamed Anees M223763PGN
662IMSharma Dinesh K.223910 - 11IMAronyak Ghosh25217PGN
78IMKoustav Chatterjee250811 - 01Gandhi Anish219767PGN
864Sai Vishwesh.C221910 - 11GMIniyan P25079PGN
910GMKarthik Venkataraman250311 - 01Garv Rai218169PGN
1066Dhananjay S21991½ - ½1GMSwapnil S. Dhopade249911PGN
1168CMNayak Rajesh218410 - 11IMShyaamnikhil P249013PGN
1214GMMitrabha Guha248711 - 01Chidvilash Sai Surapaneni217771PGN
1370CMMayank Chakraborty217910 - 11GMSengupta Deep248615PGN
1416IMKrishna C R G248011 - 01Surendran N216873PGN
1574Shreyansh Daklia21651½ - ½1GMChanda Sandipan247517PGN
1676Anadkat Kartavya21471½ - ½1GMVenkatesh M.R.245919PGN
1721IMDas Arghyadip243810 - 11Akshit Kumar J215875PGN
1822IMHarshavardhan G B243411 - 01FMSrinivasa Rao M.214277PGN
1978CMBorgaonkar Akshay213510 - 11IMMohammad Nubairshah Shaikh243323PGN
2080Nagare Kaivalya Sandip21241½ - ½1IMSrihari L R242925PGN


Round 3 pairings

11GMSethuraman S.P.264222IMAjay Krishna S238334
23GMGupta Abhijeet260122IMShahil Dey238135
337IMNitin S.237222GMMendonca Leon Luke25664
47IMAronyak Ghosh252122Sanket Chakravarty236738
541Srihari L235622IMKoustav Chatterjee25088
69GMIniyan P250722FMSekar B235840
747IMVardaan Nagpal232922GMKarthik Venkataraman250310
813IMShyaamnikhil P249022IMUtsab Chatterjee235042
951Subhayan Kundu231922GMMitrabha Guha248714
1015GMSengupta Deep248622Sahoo Utkal Ranjan233346
1153IMRajesh V A V231422IMKrishna C R G248016
1275Akshit Kumar J215822IMHarshavardhan G B243422
1323IMMohammad Nubairshah Shaikh243322IMRaahul V S232550
1427IMMehar Chinna Reddy C.H.240522GMKarthikeyan P.231652
1583Dere Pushkar211422FMPanesar Vedant238730
1633GMNeelotpal Das238422FMKrishnan Ritvik226656
175GMVisakh N R2544FMAradhya Garg231254
1849IMAvinash Ramesh2327GMShyam Sundar M.25266
1911GMSwapnil S. Dhopade2499Bharat Kumar Reddy Poluri224360
2063FMMohamed Anees M2237IMVignesh N R249312



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