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2nd Maharashtra GM 2023 R2-3: Sammed, Luka, Raahul and Harshad make a perfect start 3/3

by Shahid Ahmed - 03/06/2023

IM Sammed Jaykumar Shete, GM Luka Paichadze (GEO), IM Raahul V S and FM Harshad S are the four leaders 3/3 each at 2nd Maharashtra GM Open 2023. Sammed scored a nice victory against GM Levon Babujian (ARM). Former Asian Junior champion, IM Raahul V S defeated GM Venkatesh M R. FM Harshad S got the better of GM Azer Mirzoev (AZE). 16 players are trailing them by a half point at 2.5/3 each. Nigel Short and Peter Svidler bounced back by scoring emphatic victories over Raunak Sadhwani and Vidit Gujrathi. The match score is now 1-1. It will be GM Luka vs IM Raahul and FM Harshad vs IM Sammed in Round 4 which starts today at 3 p.m. IST. Photos: Shahid Ahmed

Short and Svidler bounce back in Game 2

The second day witnessed two unique endgames - double bishop vs bishop and two queens vs a queen.

FM Harshad S is the only non IM/GM among the leaders

Venkatesh - Ivana

Position after 18.Bh6

WIM Ivana Maria Furtado (2139) made an interesting exchange sacrifice to gain positional advantage 18...Rxh6!? 19.Qxh6 g5! preventing the queen from coming to the aid of the king. 20.Kd2 N4c6 21.Bd3 Qb4+ 22.Ke3 g4 23.Na2 Qb3 24.Nd2? Qxb2 25.Qf4 Nxd4 26.Rhb1 Nc2+

Position after 26.Rhb1

26...Nc2+ 27.Ke2 Qxa1 28.Rxa1 Nxa1 Black's advantage evaporated. Instead, 26...Qa3 would have maintained upper hand for Black.

WIM Ivana Maria Furtado is playing her first rating tournament in over 4.5 years and she already created some great chances against GM Venkatesh M R
WIM Srishti Pandey splits the point with the second seeded GM Zakhartsov | 2nd Maharashtra GM 2023 | Video: ChessBase India

WIM Srishti Pandey - GM Viacheslav V Zakhartsov: 0.5-0.5

The reigning two-time National Under-17 Open champion, CM Mayank Chakraborty held GM Aleksej Aleksandrov to a solid draw

GM Vitaly Teterev - FM Goutham Krishna H: 0.5-0.5

GM Laxman R R - Arpith S Bijoy: 0.5-0.5

IM Viani Antonio Dcunha - Vignesh Advaith Vemula: 0.5-0.5

IM Srihari L R - Aniruddh Chatterjee: 0.5-0.5

Dhyey Agarwal - IM Nubairshah Shaikh: 0.5-0.5

IM David Gochelashvili - Anirudhha Potawad: 0-1

Sethumadhav Yellumahanthi - IM Ratnakaran K: 1-0

IM Vikramaditya Kulkarni - Arnav Maheshwari: 0.5-0.5

IM Rahul Sangma - Ankit Ray: 0-1

WFM Jyothsna L - WIM Arpita Mukherjee: 0.5-0.5

Round 3: GM Vladimir Burmakin - Sanket Chakravarty: 0.5-0.5

An exchange blunder in the final moments cost GM Venkatesh his game against IM Raahul V S

Sammed - Babujian, Round 3

Position after 38...Rd4

GM Levon Babujian (ARM, 2373) sacrificed a pawn to complete his development of pieces. However, later on he managed to get back in the game. IM Sammed Shete (2440) seized his opportunity when his opponent played 38...Rd4?? 39.Nc6! threatening Ne7+ fork and also attacking the rook turned things back into White's favor.

IM Sammed Shete scored a convincing victory over GM Levon Babujian (ARM)

Azer - Harshad

Position after 28.Rdd7??

28.d5 exd5 29.Rf6 Rf8 30.Rxa6 is what GM Azer Mirzoev (AZE, 2416) needed to do against FM Harshad S (2211). 28.Rdd7?? although seems practical, does the opposite for White. 28...Rf8 29.Ra7 Ra4 Black used his protected passed pawns on a and b-file to win the game eventually.

16-year-old FM Harshad S beats GM Azer Mirzoev to join the lead 3/3 | 2nd Maharashtra GM Open 2023 | Video: ChessBase India

Rohith Krishna - Vivaan

Position after 48.Bxa8

The above position seems lost for Black. Vivaan Vishal Shah (1931) knew this. However, he decided to play on and see what happens. Eventually, his opponent, IM S Rohith Krishna (2411) blundered and Vivaan managed to salvage a half point.

Position after 88...Be8!

Over 4 hours 15 minutes later, Black found a beautiful resource 88...Be8! White cannot promote a queen or rook as it ends up in a Stalemate. 89.d8B was played. However White cannot win it because Black has a bishop.

10-year-old Vivaan Vishal Shah's never-give-up attitude earns him a draw in a lost endgame vs IM | Video: ChessBase India

10-year-old Vivaan Vishal Shah showed perseverance against IM S Rohith Krishna

GM Deep Sengupta - Soham Bhattacharyya: 0.5-0.5

CM Shaik Sumer Arsh (pictured) - GM Evgeny Vorobiov: 0.5-0.5

IM Milosz Szpar (POL) - CM Mayank Chakraborty: 0.5-0.5

FM Goutham Krishna H capitalized on his opportunity when his opponent IM Neelash Saha blundered in time trouble

Anirudhha Potawad (pictured) - GM Manik Mikulas (SVK): 1-0

CM Akshay Borgaonkar - GM Vitaly Teterev: 0.5-0.5

IM Anup Deshmukh - GM Akash G: 1-0

CM Karthik Sai Ch - IM Srihari L R: 0.5-0.5

Arnav Maheshwari - IM P Saravana Krishnan: 0.5-0.5

Vedant Nagarkatte won a thrilling double queen vs queen endgame against IM Vikramaditya Kulkarni in the longest game spanning over 4.5 hours

WIM Arpita Mukherjee - Siddhant Gawai: 0.5-0.5

Svidler - Vidit, Game 2

Position after 27...h6

27...h6? turned out to be the decisive mistake. 28.f4 hxg5 29.fxg5 f6 30.Kg3! fxg5 31.h5 Rg8 32.Kg4 using Black's own g5-pawn as a shield and also simultaneously protecting the h5-pawn. White won the game in another seven moves.

Peter Svidler on beating Vidit and making a comeback - Classical Game 2 | Video: ChessBase India
Peter Svidler's mind blowing combination vs Vidit Gujrathi | Classical Game 2 | Video: ChessBase India

Peter Svidler showed very nice technique to level the score 1-1

Raunak - Short, Game 2

Position after 32...Bd5

Nigel Short got rid of White's brittle center pawns and gobbled up extra pawns. Raunak Sadhwani would have still remained in the game if he opted for 33.dxe5. In time trouble, he blundered 33.Qb5 Nxd4 34.Qd3 Nf3+ 35.Bxf3 Bxf3 White resigned as there are too many threats to defend.

"I am a dinosaur from the analog age!" - Nigel Short after his win over Raunak Sadhwani in Classical Game 2 | Video: ChessBase India

Nigel Short has never lost his touch, he is a legend after all

Replay all Maharashtra Challenge Match games in interactive format and learn from IM Sagar Shah at Chessranga.

IM Divya Deshmukh's Nagpur recommendations | Video: ChessBase India

For more GM Round 2, Round 3 and Match Classical Game 2 photos, please click at the respective links.

Replay GM Open Round 2-3 games

Round 3 results

Bo.No. NameRtgClub/CityPts.ResultPts.NameRtgClub/City No.PGN
IMBarseghyan, Armen Ar.2373ARM2½ - ½2GMSavchenko, Boris2524RUS
FMRitviz, Parab2340GOA20 - 12GMPaichadze, Luka2513GEO
GMBurmakin, Vladimir2492RUS2½ - ½2Sanket, Chakravarty2389WB
IMRaahul, V S2299TN21 - 02GMVenkatesh, M.R.2469PSPB
IMSammed Jaykumar, Shete2440MAH21 - 02GMBabujian, Levon2373ARM
GMMirzoev, Azer2416AZE20 - 12FMHarshad, S2211TN
IMRohith, Krishna S2411TN2½ - ½2Vivaan, Vishal Shah1931GUJ
GMZakhartsov, Viacheslav V.2514FID1 - 02FMGaikwad, Siddhant1906MAH
GMSengupta, Deep2473PSPB½ - ½Bhattacharyya, Soham2219WB
GMAleksandrov, Aleksej2461BLR1 - 0WIMPandey, Srishti2188MAH
CMShaik, Sumer Arsh2211TEL½ - ½GMVorobiov, Evgeny E.2454RUS
IMSzpar, Milosz2447POL½ - ½CMMayank, Chakraborty2141ASSM
FMGoutham, Krishna H2082KER1 - 0IMNeelash, Saha2440WB
Arpith, S Bijoy2006KER0 - 1IMKushagra, Mohan2412TEL
FMPanesar, Vedant2387MAH1 - 0CMAdireddy, Arjun1968TEL


Standings after Round 3

Rk.SNo NameTypsexGrFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 RpKrtg+/-
IMSammed Jaykumar, SheteIND2440MAH344,54,50032994106,6
GMPaichadze, LukaGEO2513GEO3444,00032997104,5
IMRaahul, V SIND2299TN33,555,00032937109,7
FMHarshad, SIND2211TN33,544,000327962020,6
GMBurmakin, VladimirFID2492RUS2,54,56,55,25022493100,8
GMSavchenko, BorisFID2524RUS2,54,54,53,25022502100,1
Sanket, ChakravartyIND2389WB2,54,54,53,25022490208,4
FMGoutham, Krishna HIND2082KER2,545,54,500226844084,8
Vivaan, Vishal ShahIND1931GUJ2,5453,750225574084
IMRohith, Krishna SIND2411TN2,544,53,2502226310-2,5
GMZakhartsov, Viacheslav V.FID2514FID2,53,554,2502234310-2,1
Setumadhav, YellumahanthiIND1954AP2,53,554,000225244082
FMPanesar, VedantIND2387MAH2,53,54,53,5002227020-4,8
Kaustuv, KunduIND2242WB2,53,54,53,5002222120-0,8
IMBarseghyan, Armen Ar.ARM2373ARM2,53,54,53,25022453104


Round 4 pairings

Bo.No. NameRtgClub/CityPts.ResultPts.NameRtgClub/City No.
GMPaichadze, Luka2513GEO33IMRaahul, V S2299TN
FMHarshad, S2211TN33IMSammed Jaykumar, Shete2440MAH
GMSavchenko, Boris2524RUSFMGoutham, Krishna H2082KER
IMBarseghyan, Armen Ar.2373ARMGMZakhartsov, Viacheslav V.2514FID
GMLaxman, R.R.2299ICFGMBurmakin, Vladimir2492RUS
FMSharan, Rao2248KARGMAleksandrov, Aleksej2461BLR
IMKushagra, Mohan2412TELPotawad, Anirudhha1995MAH
Kaustuv, Kundu2242WBIMRohith, Krishna S2411TN
Sanket, Chakravarty2389WBSetumadhav, Yellumahanthi1954AP
Vivaan, Vishal Shah1931GUJFMPanesar, Vedant2387MAH
FMNavalgund, Niranjan2200KAR22GMSengupta, Deep2473PSPB
GMVenkatesh, M.R.2469PSPB22CMShaik, Sumer Arsh2211TEL
GMVorobiov, Evgeny E.2454RUS22CMNayak, Rajesh2168ODI
Dere, Pushkar2166MAH22IMNitish, Belurkar2450GOA
GMFedorov, Alexei2449BLR22FMJaiswal, Rupesh2146NEP



Maharashtra Chess Association: Official site, fb page and twitter

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