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15th AICFB National R5-6: Kishan Gangolli gains sole lead 5.5/6

by Shahid Ahmed - 08/04/2022

Kishan Gangolli won both of his games on the third day to gain sole lead 5.5/6 at SAVA Herbals 15th AICFB National Chess Championship for Visually Challenged players. He defeated Ashvin K Makwana and Milind Samant. Although Ashvin managed to recover an inferior position and the game seemed to be heading towards a draw. In the minor piece endgame, Kishan's opponent miscalculated and the tournament leader figured a way to maximize his bishop pair along with his well-positioned king. Soundarya Kumar Pradhan is in pursuit. He is undefeated so far 5.0/6. Round 7 starts today at 9:00 a.m. IST. Photo: IA Manjunatha M

Soundarya in pursuit

Top seed Darpan Inani's woes continue as he suffered his second loss of the event. It was against Aryan Joshi in Round 6.

Kishan Gangolli is poised to win his seventh consecutive National title | Photo:IA Manjunatha M

Round 5: Kishan - Ashvin: 1-0

Kishan Gangolli (2113) got a substantial advantage early in the middlegame against Ashvin K Makwana (1729). It eventually got liquidated into a double bishop vs bishop and knight endgame.

Position after 33.h4

White no longer has an advantage and Black can very much save this game. 33...g6 was a big mistake which completely turned things in White's favor. Can you find out why?

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Kishan Gangolli gunning for his 7th National Blind Championship Title | Video: ChessBase India

Round 6: Milind - Kishan: 0-1

In the sixth round, Kishan scored a very nice win against Milind Samant (1670).

Position after 21...Bxf2+

21...Bxf2+ is a thematic idea, perfectly executed by Kishan. 22.Kxf2 Qc5+ and Black is completely winning.

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Kishan Gangolli made a quick work of Milind Samant | Photo: IA Manjunatha M

Darpan - Aryan: 0-1

Darpan Inani (2124) gained a couple of pawns. Instead of capitalizing on his advantage, he misplayed and allowed his opponent Aryan B Joshi (1909) to launch an attack of his own.

Position after 29...Qg3+

29.Rhg1 would have continued the fight. However, 29.Reg1 ended the game for White when Aryan found a beautiful way to finish the game 29...Qg3+. White resigned because of the imminent checkmate 30.Bxg3 fxg3#.

Darpan Inani is having a tough tournament | Photo: IA Manjunatha M

For more Round 5 and Round 6 photos, please click at the respective links.


A total of 55 players are taking part from various states across India. The tournament is organized by All India Chess Federation for the Blind (AICFB) from 5th to 9th April 2022 at PYC Hindu Gymkhana, Pune. The nine-round Swiss league tournament has a time control of 90 minutes + 30 seconds increment from move no.1. There are double rounds every day from 5th to 8th April. Last day 9th April 2022, there will be one round.

Replay Round 5-6 games

Round 6 results

19Samant Milind1670MAH40 - 1Kishan Gangolli2113KAR2
211Swapanil Shah1622MAH4½ - ½4Patra Subhendu Kumar1783ORI4
35Soundarya Kumar Pradhan1749ORI41 - 04Gopi R1242T N35
47Makwana Ashvin K1729GUJ1 - 04Shah Saiyam Kamleshbhai1226GUJ40
51Darpan Inani2124GUJ0 - 1Aryan B Joshi1909MAH3
621Shidad M1432KER0 - 1Marimuthu K1586T N12
731Sam Peniel P1302T N1 - 03Rajkumar B1488T N14
824Shambhu Kumar Roy1391BIH30 - 13Prachurya Kumar Pradhan1630ORI10
913Shashidhar K M1547KAR30 - 13Satya Praksah Shrivastava1388DEL25
1017Noushad E P1473KER31 - 03Dibakar Pal1379W B26


Round 7 pairings

12Kishan Gangolli2113KARSwapanil Shah1622MAH11
24Patra Subhendu Kumar1783ORI5Soundarya Kumar Pradhan1749ORI5
33Aryan B Joshi1909MAHMakwana Ashvin K1729GUJ7
412Marimuthu K1586T NSam Peniel P1302T N31
522Hariharan Gandhi1399T N44Samant Milind1670MAH9
610Prachurya Kumar Pradhan1630ORI44Satya Praksah Shrivastava1388DEL25
735Gopi R1242T N44Noushad E P1473KER17
840Shah Saiyam Kamleshbhai1226GUJ44Somender B L1446DEL18
923Rakesh Narwal1393HARDarpan Inani2124GUJ1
1044Rafik S1140T NShidad M1432KER21



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