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Emil Sutovsky discusses FIDE's policy during the Covid19 pandemic

by Sagar Shah - 28/04/2020

With the advent of Covid-19 things have changed drastically in the world of chess. All over-the-board tournaments have been cancelled and the action has shifted to the online format of the game. In such a situation what is FIDE's online policy for the next few months? ChessBase India got in touch with the FIDE Director General Emil Sutovsky and did an exlcusive interview with him discussing about the current situation and FIDE's response to it, the status of various sponsors who have supported FIDE, the Candidates 2020 and the Radjabov conundrum, the World Championship Match 2020 and much more. 

FIDE functions through the various commissions that it has formed. With the advent of Corona virus the situation has changed drastically in the world of chess. All of a sudden over-the-board tournaments are non-existent and the entire focus has shifted to online events. Because of this FIDE's online commission has become one of the most central groups in the organization for the next few months. They have to come up with ideas to ensure that FIDE is able to keep chess going and use the unique advantage of the sport where it doesn't lose its form even when you play it online. In order to make sure that the online policies are appropriately formed in the next few months, FIDE's Director General Emil Sutovsky is now in charge of the online commission. ChessBase India got in touch with him for an exclusive interview where he speaks about FIDE's plans in the upcoming days. We also touch upon the topics related to Candidates 2020, Teimour Radjabov' situation and also the World Championship match 2020.

FIDE's Director General Emil Sutovsky will form the organization's online policy in the days to come | Photo: David Llada

Interview with FIDE Director General Emill Sutovksy

Interview with Emil Sutovsky about FIDE's online strategy

Sagar Shah (SS): Hi Emil, we are going through some unprecedented times right now. What is FIDE's strategy be in the current scenario?

Emil Sutovsky (ES): Well, definitely these times are very different from anything that we have witnessed in the past and it's also challenging for FIDE because you know we did a lot of major things through the last one and half years, and we were on the right track to see some really big changes. But now this situation has made a big impact obviously. In general this has impacted our approach to pretty much everything. We had to come with a strategy quickly because we didn't have time to sit and wait and understand how long this pandemic would continue. So we came up with rather detailed plans both in the way of staging online tournaments or any other online activity. You know FIDE is not only about tournaments, it's not only about top players, we have to see the whole picture in general and if there's an opportunity, we have to make use of it. The interest in chess has surged immensely in the last month simply because people are locked in their homes and that's actually an opportunity for the International Chess Federation to have more people involved with chess during this time and ensure that once this pandemic is over, and I hope it would be over reasonably soon, people are still interested, they still keep playing, teach their kids and so on.


SS: Yes, so what exactly has FIDE come up with? You said there are going to be online tournaments and we have read that there will be online Nation's cup which is a big event to be held from the 5th to 10th of May.

FIDE has managed to gather a very strong line up for the six teams that will participate in the FIDE chess. com Online Nations Cup 2020

ES: Obviously, we have devised various approaches for all the stakeholders in the chess world. The Nation's Cup is going to be a huge event and probably unique event, in the sense that we were able to get hold of such a strong field in such a small duration of time. Basically every strong chess player qualifying for their team would be playing in it, except Magnus Carlsen. So we have a very strong tournament but it is not the end of it. We plan something very big and very diverse which will be hopefully conducted in collaboration with all the major platforms. We will be announcing the details in a few weeks. But it is going to be something major with a social impact and an aim to get as many people involved as possible.


In addition to that one more project we are working on is the Online Chess Olympiad. You know this summer we had planned to have the Chess Olympiad in Moscow and the competition for the disabled in Khanty Mansiysk. Of course, it wasn't possible to conduct them but we are searching for the best possible substitute. The Olympiad has always been a huge festival with players from all continents and even from countries where chess isn't that popular. So we want to have possibilities for everyone. We are therefore looking forward to having mixed teams where we would have male, female, and junior participants. And once again this is where we talk about some sort of official event. Of course we are also planning to have a World Blitz Championship online. Not planning to replace the regular World Blitz Championship yet. We don't know if that is going to take place this year, once again it depends very much on how the situation pans out. But we obviously feel that this rising interest for chess online can be and should be supported by FIDE by staging some major official events. Chess is one of the few sports where something of this kind is possible.


We are not thinking only in terms of tournaments. We have a string of online seminars. There are twenty online seminars scheduled from April to September in five or six major languages. We staged organizer's seminar already, the first phase of it is already finished and we had over one hundred participants subscribing. It is very important to use this time properly, not only for these online activities but one of the foundations of our plans is that we build up to be ready for the day after. Because I think there is a big danger that after all this is over people might turn too used to this lockdown situation and forget how to basically work! So we have to be ready.

FIDE online trainer's seminar for Asia and Oceania gathered 73 participants!

We also plan a lot of activities with regards to junior chess. All the junior championships had to be cancelled this year so we are planning to have official online competitions. We started with one last week called the FIDE Candidate youth, but of course we are going to have it in much larger scale. And definitely there are some charity events that we are planning like simuls, social and fundraising events for people and players who have suffered from this pandemic. These are really more than words, these are actually concrete steps that we are taking and you can see the ideas implemented already in April with a whole string of seminars being conducted. The month of May would be the start of big tournaments hopefully.


SS: Well, when it comes to you know over-the-board play, one of the major reasons FIDE is in control is because of the ratings but when it comes to online tournaments there are no online ratings that are official. There are so many different platforms conducting several online events. How do you plan to make online chess more serious now that perhaps the next few months are going to be like this.

ES: That's a very good question. In fact, this is one of the points we are discussing now. We are obviously going to collaborate with various platforms and not focus on only one platform. We are discussing possible solutions and that would depend on how the situation unleashes. If it is for two or three months then it is one thing but God forbids if there's a second wave and it becomes a scenario of half a year or so then we would have to act accordingly. I would say rating online games is definitely on the table. What is not on the table is having an official classical tournament in this format.


Rating is an important thing. And as you mentioned various platforms have various ratings. FIDE could sort of help unify them. We are definitely considering that as one of the possibilities. This will be related to online ratings, which will be different from over the board ratings. Once again it is difficult to plan things in a long term basis but short term and mid term we already can plan. One more thing that is very important is the anti-cheating regulation. That's something which is very much on the table. We are looking forward to adjusting it according to the needs of the day. When you are talking about a small tournament then it is one thing, in case of big events it's a completely different scenario. We are talking about algorithms. There are different detection algorithms and there are various technical solutions. Perhaps, I can't go too much into the detail of that but we take them very seriously and we are working with various platforms on these issues.


We do not claim that online chess can fully replace traditional chess. After all a chess tournament is more than just a tournament, it is a social event where there is a lot of communication, you meet people from different countries united by their passion for chess. This component is obviously missing in online play but there are other advantages - you don't have to travel, you can work with more people, and so on and so forth. For example, the online olympiad event that we are planning, we are planning to have it in two groups, namely east and west, so that players can play in their preferred time zones. Once again for all these events you have to take into consideration that in Asia it could be midnight, while in the US it is early morning. It won't work well if we don't take the difference in time zones into consideration. So we are paying attention to all the little details. I think we have a lot of work to do but we have started early and we have a dedicated team. I think we will accomplish a lot of things both in online chess and in preparation for the day after.


SS: One of the things that Arkady Dvorkovich mentioned in a recent interview and as we just discussed that cheating is one of the issues that stops FIDE from going online full-fledged. So apart from putting in cameras where the players are playing and detection algorithms, is there anything else FIDE is looking into?

ES: Algorithms basically exist for automatic detection. There are two types of algorithms used. One is the traditional kind and the other is based on neural networks. When they are combined they yield good results. There are other options which may be used of course with the players' permission. Let me state this very clearly all these are not used secretly without the knowledge of players. I am personally very concerned that many unpleasant things can be derived from this situation where the governments are allowed to follow every citizens everywhere. So these are very sensitive of course. But we have our cards open. We are exploring possibilities like eye tracking which can potentially prove efficient. We will require a sort of reciprocity from the players - (a) obey these regulations; and (b) you are ready to accept expulsion from the event based on suspicion. Certainly, you can't have a player banned for life without concrete evidence but if there's serious suspicion based on computer or algorithm evidence then temporary expulsion can occur. It unfortunately is the only way to proceed. We have to be delicate because suspicion doesn't automatically prove that a player is a cheater, but a decision might have to be taken at some point based on whether the suspicions are profound enough to expel a particular player from a particular tournament but not banned for entire life. Our policy in general will depend on how this pandemic situation develops.


SS: FIDE has worked on a lot in the past couple of years to get a lot of sponsors on board and corporate support. For example, Coca Cola was one of them. So how are they looking at this situation? Will they support FIDE going forward?

FIDE's cooperation with Coca Cola surely did attract a lot of eyeballs from the corporate world

ES: Look, Coca Cola was a very good start. And last year we had two pilot projects, one in Poland and the other in Riga, Latvia. This year we had a written agreement to have like five times more funds from them which would also cover the final stage of the Women Grand Prix in Italy where Coca Cola Italy would be one of the major sponsors, along with a lot of other activities in various European countries. We spoke only of Europe at the time. I met the CEO of Global Coca Cola and we had a good meeting. He was amused with idea of Coca Cola supporting chess. I came up with an interesting detail actually that the last game of the first World Championship match between Steinitz and Zukertort in 1886 concluded on the same day when their big guy Pemberton came up with the Coca Cola recipe. It was literally on the same day at least according to the published information! So I think the day life resumes we would be able to get back on track with Coca Cola in particular when you talk about it. But it is not only about Coca Cola, we also have collaboration with Total which is a very big French oil company. Although I don't know how this agreement will look after this pandemic because they will most likely have suffered a big blow. We have a very good collaboration with CISCO. We think our World Championship match will be partly supported, sponsored, partnered by CISCO company. We are already very much advanced in our mutual understanding in this regard.  


Basically chess always has been something very respectable and I can be only sorry for the last twenty-five years where the game has been losing one opportunity after another. A lot of corporate sponsorship was given to sports and arts which would appeal less to the general public than chess, but chess was not in it. It was a shame and when I had the chance to meet the CEOs of several big companies, I saw that they liked chess a lot and some of them were even players. Some of them liked the social value of chess and discussed the possibility of promoting it for kids and have it in their education. Many big companies you know are concerned about the next generation and they are eager to take some responsibility. I think in general we are going to be on the right track after life resumes but at the moment it is obviously very difficult. The Nations Cup which is scheduled for next month could be a sort of an attempt to see whether even in this situation there is a serious interest for chess.


SS: Considering the current situation where other sporting events are just not happening, don't you think chess would get sponsorship much more easily than normal times?

ES: Yes and no! Yes, we have much less of competitors right now and I do think that chess actually represents an opportunity for the big companies in these times, but the question is whether they understand it. Chess has been so overshadowed for so long and the World Championship matches have been pretty much the only events that have caught the spotlight. Even the Candidates has failed to make to the news at times but we saw this year that the Candidates was being covered by all major outlets due to this pandemic. So yes, we try to use these factors to our advantage but we can never know because this is an absolutely unprecedented situation. No company was prepared to face this situation and of course they have to adjust their finances accordingly.


SS: And what about the Radjabov situation? The pandemic is quite serious as we can see, so has FIDE changed its stance on that front?

Teimour Radjabov did not play the Candidates and was replaced by French GM MVL at the last moment

ES: Well, the situation with Radjabov is quite clear to us. We believe that we practically and legally did things right. Practically because we managed to hold the very important first leg of the event. Unfortunately we couldn't do more because of the regulations adopted by the Russian government at the time. Of course we couldn't foresee these things but we did our best to secure all players and there were no unpleasant situations in this regard. So at the moment when we took this decision, it was an informed one but we didn't have all the information unfortunately. That's why the decision was taken as it was. Looking back and saying I knew that this would happen is very easy. In many cases people don't recall what they knew if it didn't happen. But at the same time Radjabov clearly won his spot at the Candidates and deserved to play, and his concerns were very realistic too, I mean they weren't just excuses.


Legally we are okay, once again we consulted our lawyers about this situation. But I think the whole idea... I mean our work in FIDE is based on the principle that we try to be fair. And that's why we are already discussing the possibility of awarding Radjabov the wildcard for 2022. But we can't include him in this tournament in some strange manner. We clearly discussed with the players when the event terminated that it would continue later with the same set of players and the same points. It wasn't called off or anything. But including him in 2022 Candidates can balance out things. It is not something we have decided. It is something we are discussing actually. In general we wanted to get rid of the wildcard policy from the tournament because in my opinion it is simply wrong to assign one of eight spots in such an important event as wildcard. But then again, other opinions exist and it is about finding a balance. So for now nothing has been decided about 2022 Candidates but we are discussing all the possibilities.

Radjabov may well get the wild card for the Candidates 2022

SS: Everyone is very excited for the World Championship to take place in Dubai Expo because it would be something for the first time but right now it is unsure whether Dubai Expo would happen or not.

ES: I think Dubai Expo will happen but it would just move a year ahead. So it will start in October 2021 instead of October 2020. I am in constant touch with the VC of Dubai Expo. We made a huge word and we have a tentative agreement signed. It was not only for having an event but also having something much more than that. Our plan was to put a lot of side activities, lectures, and a tournament with at least a hundred countries participating. We also wanted to have open studio in major cities like London, New York, Moscow, and Oslo, which would attract more people to the event and to the Expo 2020. We also devised a plan for an absolutely different sort of broadcast of the matches. Chess broadcast has seen many changes in the last fifteen years or so but we were planning to change it big time this year. We were really not looking at Expo 2020 as not just another match or just a great venue for another match but something major. Now we will see what to do. I am in touch with the organizers. Of course, it is one of our priorities to have this World Championship match in an absolutely different way from what it has been till now.

Having the World Championship Match 2020 at the Dubai Expo would be a big boost to the sport | Photo: Arab news

SS: Okay so coming to you Emil. You are the Director General of FIDE and FIDE has many different committees that they have formed. So what is your role mainly in all this? Do you have to oversee all this committees as the Director General?

ES: Well, now the situation is a bit different because I am in charge of the FIDE online activities. Usually of course, I would not be doing everything. It is a good team we have. A lot of things are done by Victor Bologan. Arkady Dvorkovich himself is doing a fantastic job, many people didn't expect it but he is fully dedicated. Before the pandemic he was travelling extensively to different countries to meet organizers, sponsors, and federations, and also the various anti-cheating panels and getting to know things in more detail. Obviously it is not a one man show but it is a good team that is working. I personally was in charge of all the World Championships except the junior and the veteran. I am also in charge of some negotiations with regards to how chess life should be modified or adjusted for the ever changing world. I also organize a special commission dedicated to support the chess veterans. That's a very important thing. We care about our older generations. We care not only about the legends of the past, I mean the real legends are comparatively well off, but people who contributed a lot when they were in their prime thirty or forty years ago and often times who have been left forgotten by their own governments or federations. So that is one of my important duties.


And of course I travel extensively to nearly each and every European country to visit their federation and see what they need and so on. I am sort of an in charge of the European region. I also travelled to US to meet people in universities, we had devised this program to bring all the chess activities in top universities under one umbrella. Not just the top chess playing universities but the ones which are academically at the top. So I met people from Harvard and MIT. Of course, there are many talented people there and there is evidence that correlation between chess talent and talent in other areas exist. So that's one of the things I am doing. In general, I am trying to do as many things as possible. One of the recent additions has been two commissions which I would be spending quite some time on, one is the anti-cheating because it is very important especially now, and trainers commission because having good and dedicated trainers is very important.

A giant chess board outside the Science Center Plaza in Harvard | Photo: Harvard University

SS: So you were a chess player before where you had to mostly work alone with your own chess. Maybe collaborating with coaches and seconds from time to time. But serving in administrative positions is a completely different ball game where you have to collaborate with many other people, work as a team, and so on and so forth. Did you find this transition difficult?

ES: No it wasn't particularly difficult for me because even as a player socializing with players wasn't difficult for me. What is difficult sometimes is to work as a team. When you are working with people you should listen to other opinions, sometimes retract your own opinion and take one that of your colleague. In general, I also have an educational background and that's why I think it wasn't too difficult for me. Also my experience in ACP, being president there for almost seven years, was of immense help.I was already involved very much in organizing tournaments and coming up with strategies and plans that are actually implementable. As a chess player I used to hear opinions of different kinds about how you should or should not do certain things but my experience suggests that it is very difficult to come up with an ideal solution. Even in the chess world opinion is often split, be it about time control, or about world championship format, or about how the ratings are calculated, or anti-cheating policies you name it. At the end the day there's no ideal solution and a decision has to be taken and inevitably that would make some people unhappy. But I think in general we are very good at listening to people. We are in constant dialogue with the top players and as well as the wider audience. We are conducting polls and encouraging everyone to offer their opinions and as well as criticisms. We aren't taking the best decisions all the time and there have been more than one wrong decisions in the past one and half years but it is simply impossible not to make it. But I think the vast majority of the decisions taken were successful. Even a few years ago you would remember FIDE would just publish a statement and that would be the end of it. There would be no discussion, no public opinion, nothing. Now we are accountable. Maybe we are not doing it perfectly but nobody is perfect.


SS: So my final question to you is, you achieved so much in chess. You were a strong player and now you are the Director General of FIDE where you are making a big difference. Are you happy with the way things have turned out for you?

ES: I think you have touched on a very important point. Making a difference is necessary and I have this feeling that whatever I am doing does make a difference in the chess world. As a chess player it was very difficult for me to find motivation. I was not into setting targets like getting in to the top ten or achieving a particular rating or something. I was on 2700 and I realistically understood that I would not manage to become the World Champion but I managed to produce quite a few nice games and win some strong tournaments. But the motivation stopped being very strong in chess and being only an artist and play at a much lower level to just produce some nice games from time to time didn't very much appeal to me. So I thought it was time for me to look forward to new and challenging work. At the same time I never claimed that I retired from chess. I mean, I don't think I am such an important person in the world of chess to make a statement like "I retire" even if I do. I keep playing now and then and enjoy it immensely. I also think one day I would take a sabbatical and play some chess. Yes, I miss the atmosphere of chess competition. I already go there in my capacity as the Director General of FIDE and also get the chance to discuss the game with some top players. It fills me with the same passion. This is chess from a different angle but it is still important for me. I want to make chess players heard, their feelings and needs heard, so in that sense I am still very much of a chess person.


SS: Thank you Emil for your time and we wish you the best in your important role as the Director General of FIDE.

ES: Thank you Sagar

Emil Sutovsky's favourite game of chess

Although the interview revolved around FIDE's online policy and Emil Sutovsky's role in the FIDE, we did not want to let this opportunity pass by to ask Emil about his favourite game of chess! After all Sutovsky was one of the finest players in the world of chess, having crossed 2700 on the Elo scale, having won the Gibraltar Masters as well as the Aeroflot Open and many strong events. When we asked him to choose his favourite game, he went for his win over GM Daniel Gormally from the Gibraltar Masters 2005. It was a beautiful attacking victory and at the time when the game was published in several prominent sources, Vishy Anand exclaimed it as the best game of chess he had ever seen! When Anand makes a statement like that, how can you not get tempted to see the game!

Emil explains the ideas behind his move in his win over Daniel Gormally from Gibraltar Masters 2005

A big thanks to Satanick Mukhuty for transcribing Emil Sutovsky's interview 

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Women's Candidates 2024 R2: Zhongyi Tan wins two in-a-row

@ 06/04/2024 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे कैंडीडेट्स R1 – तूफान के पहले की शांति, महिलाओं मे तान नें खोला खाता

@ 05/04/2024 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Women's Candidates 2024 R1: Zhongyi Tan marches her king to victory

@ 05/04/2024 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
बस थोड़ी देर में शुरू हो जाएँगे फीडे कैंडिडैट मुक़ाबले

@ 04/04/2024 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Arjun Erigaisi becomes the new India no.1 officially

@ 01/04/2024 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE launches its online shop to celebrate its 100 year anniversary

@ 22/03/2024 by ChessBase India (en)
World Junior U20 Championship 2024 will take place at Gandhinagar, Gujarat this June

@ 19/03/2024 by ChessBase India (en)
Five Indians in World Top 20 - FIDE Rating list March 2024

@ 04/03/2024 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Corporate Chess Championship 2024 Finals to take place in New York

@ 18/02/2024 by ChessBase India (en)
2nd Bijnor Open Classical FIDE Rated Chess tournament starts from 17th March

@ 02/02/2024 by ChessBase India (en)
Five Indians in World Top 20 - FIDE Rating list February 2024

@ 02/02/2024 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Changes to qualification paths for the Candidates Tournament

@ 31/01/2024 by ChessBase India (en)
फीडे पहली बार आयोजित करेगा बच्चो का विश्व कप

@ 06/01/2024 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
New FIDE Rating and Title Regulations come into effect

@ 04/01/2024 by ChessBase India (en)
11 Indians in World Top 100 - FIDE Rating list January 2024

@ 02/01/2024 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Odisha Government collaborates with FIDE to promote chess, 100 chess centres to be opened in the state

@ 10/12/2023 by Himank Ghosh (en)
IM Vikramaditya Kulkarni wins Bijnor Open 2023

@ 08/12/2023 by Niklesh Jain (en)
विक्रमादित्य बने प्रथम बिजनौर ओपन के विजेता

@ 04/12/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
"It's the biggest win of my career" - Vidit Gujrathi on winning FIDE Grand Swiss 2023

@ 14/11/2023 by Sagar Shah (en)
उज्बेकिस्तान के समरकन्द में होगी विश्व रैपिड और ब्लिट्ज चैंपियनशिप

@ 10/11/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Victory for Valiant Vidit Gujrathi and R Vaishali at FIDE Grand Swiss 2023, Qualify to the Candidates 2024

@ 06/11/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विदित और वैशाली नें रचा इतिहास जीता फीडे ग्रांड स्विस का खिताब

@ 06/11/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Grand Swiss 2023 R10: Vaishali vanquishes Zhongyi Tan, secures her place in the Women's Candidates 2024

@ 05/11/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Grand Swiss 2023 R9: Vaishali beats Stefanova, emerges sole leader

@ 04/11/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रांड स्विस R8: विदित और वैशाली की सयुंक्त बढ़त बरकरार

@ 03/11/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Grand Swiss 2023 R8: Caruana, Esipenko and Deac join Vidit in a four-way lead

@ 03/11/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रांड स्विस R7: विदित और वैशाली की शानदार जीत

@ 02/11/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Grand Swiss 2023 R7: Vidit outplays Sindarov, emerges sole leader

@ 02/11/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Who has the best chance to make it to the Candidates via FIDE Circuit 2023?

@ 31/10/2023 by Prakhar Sinha (en)
Grand Swiss 2023 R6: Vidit Gujrathi joins the eight-way lead

@ 31/10/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Grand Swiss 2023 R5: Nakamura, Esipenko and Arjun Erigaisi in a three-way lead

@ 30/10/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Grand Swiss 2023 R4: Vaishali crushes Mariya in 23 moves

@ 29/10/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Grand Swiss 2023 R3: Vaishali sets the board on fire

@ 28/10/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रांड स्विस R2: अर्जुन की लगातार दूसरी जीत

@ 27/10/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Grand Swiss 2023 R2: Arjun Erigaisi wins two in-a-row, Raunak holds Nakamura to a draw

@ 27/10/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रांड स्विस R1: अर्जुन का शानदार आगाज , रौनक नें अनीश को चौंकाया

@ 26/10/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Grand Swiss 2023 R1: Raunak Sadhwani starts with a solid draw against the World no.7 - Anish Giri

@ 26/10/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
आज होगा फीडे ग्रांड स्विस का आगाज

@ 25/10/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
20 Indians are set for FIDE Grand Swiss 2023 starting today

@ 25/10/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Raunak Sadhwani wins FIDE World Junior Rapid 2023 Open, Second in Blitz

@ 17/10/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Indian Delegation withdraws from World Cadets 2023 at Egypt

@ 15/10/2023 by Himank Ghosh (en)
How the world reacted to Praggnanandhaa’s silver medal finish at World Cup 2023

@ 11/09/2023 by Sneha Tiwari (en)
FIDE World Women's Team 2023 R3-4: Indian women on the brink of elimination

@ 08/09/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Women's Team 2023 R1-2: A mixed start for India

@ 07/09/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Harika will spearhead India at FIDE World Women's Team Championship 2023

@ 06/09/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
WR Chess clinches FIDE World Rapid Team 2023 with a round to spare, Freedom second and MGD1 third

@ 29/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Rapid Team 2023 R5-8: WR Chess increases their sole lead, Praggnanandhaa wins four in-a-row

@ 28/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Rapid Team 2023 R1-4: Aravindh and Nihal shine

@ 27/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Anand, Vidit, Arjun, Nihal, Praggnanandhaa, Harikrishna, Gukesh, Harika and many Indians set to play at the inaugural FIDE World Rapid Team Championship 2023

@ 26/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Magnus Carlsen clinches FIDE World Cup 2023, Praggnanandhaa second and Caruana third

@ 24/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Praggnanandhaa and Magnus Carlsen will play tie-breaks to determine FIDE World Cup 2023 winner

@ 23/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 Finals: Praggnanandhaa fights Carlsen to a solid draw

@ 22/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Fabulous Praggnanandhaa bests the invincible Caruana, sets up a historic clash against Magnus Carlsen in FIDE World Cup 2023 Finals

@ 21/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Magnus Carlsen advances to his first FIDE World Cup Finals, set to face Caruana or Praggnanandhaa

@ 20/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 SF: Carlsen beats Abasov, Praggnanandhaa holds his ground against Caruana

@ 19/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
China on the verge of winning FIDE World Youth U16 Olympiad 2023

@ 18/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 QF: Praggnanandhaa wins exhilarating tie-breaks, sets up a clash against Caruana in the Semifinals

@ 17/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R6.2: Praggnanandhaa forces tie-breaks, Gukesh draws against Carlsen on his exit

@ 16/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Youth U16 Olympiad 2023 R4-5: India victorious over England 3.5-0.5, draws against Romania

@ 16/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R6.1: Arjun beats Praggnanandhaa, Gukesh goes down against Carlsen

@ 15/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Youth U16 Olympiad 2023 R2-3: India bounces back against Georgia 3-1

@ 15/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R5 TB: Fiery Vidit Gujrathi blazes Ian Nepomniachtchi

@ 14/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Youth U16 Olympiad 2023 R1: India scores an emphatic victory over Uganda 1: 3.5-0.5

@ 14/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R5.2: Gukesh to face Carlsen in the Quarterfinals

@ 13/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R5.1: Gukesh beats Hao, now World no.7, Arjun also scores a victory

@ 12/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R4 TB: Praggnanandhaa squashes World #2 Nakamura, Gukesh & Harika move to Round 5

@ 11/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R4.2: Vidit and Arjun storm into Round 5

@ 10/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R4.1: Vidit vanquishes Bacrot, Vincent Keymer beats Magnus Carlsen for the first time

@ 09/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R3 TB: A short day at the office for Nihal, a grueling long one for Vidit and Harika

@ 08/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R3.2: Gukesh, Pragg, Arjun and Humpy advance, Nihal, Vidit and Harika in tie-breaks

@ 06/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R3.1: Praggnanandhaa scores the sole win among the Indians, against David Navara

@ 05/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R2 TB: Mary knocks out Kateryna Lagno, Vidit and Arjun Erigaisi move to the next round

@ 04/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R2.2: Eight Indians in Round 3, Gukesh now India no.1 and World no.9

@ 03/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R2.1: Pragg sizzles, Karthik defies Nakamura, Gukesh now World no.10

@ 02/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R1 TB: Adhiban and Priyanka Nutakki advance to Round 2

@ 01/08/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R1.2: S L Narayanan, Abhimanyu Puranik, Karthik, Mary Ann and Divya through to Round 2

@ 31/07/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023 R1.1: A great start for India

@ 30/07/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2023: Opening Ceremony and Press Conference

@ 30/07/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
The Beautiful Baku

@ 29/07/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
अब 1400 से शुरू हो सकती है फीडे रेटिंग

@ 27/07/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
दुनिया का सबसे कम उम्र का फीडे रेटेड खिलाड़ी - तेजस तिवारी

@ 25/07/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Wenjun Ju becomes Women's World Champion for the fourth time

@ 24/07/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
जू वेंजून फिर से बनी विश्व चैम्पियन

@ 22/07/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
क्या वेंजून बचा पाएँगी अपना विश्व खिताब ?

@ 14/07/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE World Cup 2023: Players lists and pairings announced

@ 05/07/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Wenjun Ju starts her Women's World Championship defense against Tingjie Lei starting today

@ 05/07/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Carlsen, Gukesh, Praggnanandhaa, Humpy, Harika, Wenjun among the participants of FIDE World Cup 2023

@ 16/06/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Ding Liren becomes the 17th World Chess Champion scoring a thriller in the Playoff

@ 01/05/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Breaking News: Ding Liren is the new World Chess Champion

@ 30/04/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Championship Game 14: Ding Liren escapes disaster, Playoff to crown the winner

@ 30/04/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Championship Game 13: Tense struggle keeps the score level

@ 28/04/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE Trainers' Online Seminar to take place from 5th to 7th May 2023

@ 27/04/2023 by ChessBase India (en)
World Championship Game 12: Ding Liren is back in the Match as 'Ian curse' strikes

@ 27/04/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Championship Game 11: Quick Draw in 100 minutes

@ 25/04/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Championship Game 10: The Pray or the Prey?

@ 24/04/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Championship Game 9: The longest game so far

@ 22/04/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Championship Game 8: The Leaked Cannonball !?

@ 21/04/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Championship Game 7: Ding Liren crumbles in time trouble

@ 19/04/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Championship Game 6: The Lon'Ding' System strikes Nepo

@ 17/04/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Championship Game 5: Nepomniachtchi outplays Ding Liren

@ 16/04/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Championship Game 4: Ding Liren delivers equalizer by demolishing Nepomniachtchi

@ 14/04/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Championship Game 3: Calm before Storm?

@ 13/04/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Championship Game 2: The Self-Destruction of Ding Liren

@ 11/04/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Championship Game 1: Ding's daunting defense against Nepomniachtchi

@ 10/04/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Championship Match 2023 officially opened

@ 08/04/2023 by ChessBase India (en)
चीन की लेई टिंगजी बनी फीडे कैंडिडैट विजेता

@ 03/04/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
दिल्ली फीडे महिला ग्रां प्री : बीबीसारा की चौंथी जीत

@ 01/04/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE Grand Swiss Open and Women 2023 to take place at Isle of Man from 24th October to 5th November

@ 21/03/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
दिल्ली फीडे महिला ग्रां प्री : हम्पी ,हरिका ,वैशाली पर रहेगी नजर

@ 13/03/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
China to host Women's Candidates Final and Women's World Championship Match

@ 04/03/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विशाल सरीन बने फीडे ट्रेनर कमीशन काउन्सलर

@ 21/02/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Kishan Gangolli wins Silver, Naveen Kumar Bronze at 1st FIDE Olympiad for People with Disabilities 2023

@ 05/02/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
1st FIDE Olympiad for PwD 2023 R5: India suffers a tough loss against Poland 3-1

@ 04/02/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
1st FIDE Olympiad for PwD 2023 R4: India holds Hungary to a draw

@ 03/02/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
अनीश गिरि बने फीडे सर्किट लीडरबोर्ड के नए लीडर

@ 02/02/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
1st FIDE Olympiad for PwD 2023 R3: India stuns Israel 3-1

@ 02/02/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
1st FIDE Olympiad for PwD 2023 R1-2: India makes a good start

@ 01/02/2023 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Astana to host FIDE World Championship match 2023

@ 19/01/2023 by ChessBase India (en)
फीडे सर्किट लीडरबोर्ड : भारत के प्रणेश एम सबसे आगे

@ 12/01/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
कैसे बदला फीडे कैंडिडैट 2024 पहुँचने का रास्ता , फीडे ग्रां प्री का अब नहीं रहेगा महत्व

@ 10/01/2023 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
कार्लसन छठवीं बार बने विश्व ब्लिट्ज़ शतरंज विजेता

@ 31/12/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
तूफान बनकर आयीं हम्पी जीता विश्व ब्लिट्ज रजत पदक

@ 31/12/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
विश्व ब्लिट्ज़ D1: नाकामुरा और शुवालोवा सबसे आगे

@ 30/12/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
कार्लसन नें जीता चौंथा विश्व रैपिड शतरंज खिताब

@ 29/12/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
भारत की 15 वर्षीय सविता श्री भास्कर ने रचा इतिहास ,जीता विश्व रैपिड का कांस्य पदक

@ 29/12/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
विश्व रैपिड D2 : सविता की सुनामी ,अर्जुन से अब भी है आस

@ 28/12/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
विश्व रैपिड चैंपियनशिप DAY1 : छा गया अपना अर्जुन

@ 26/12/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
विश्व रैपिड ब्लिट्ज़ का आगाज ! देखे LIVE प्रसारण

@ 26/12/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
क्या कोई भारतीय जीतेगा रैपिड - ब्लिट्ज़ विश्व खिताब?

@ 21/12/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE reforms the qualifications paths to the Candidates Tournament

@ 17/12/2022 by ChessBase India (en)
China becomes World Team Champion 2022, S L Narayanan wins Bronze

@ 26/11/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
चीन बना विश्व टीम शतरंज चैम्पियन

@ 26/11/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
World Team 2022 SF: Uzbekistan wins and eyes another Gold

@ 25/11/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Team 2022 QF: India knocks out France in tie-breaks

@ 24/11/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फ्रांस को हराया ,भारत विश्व टीम के सेमी फाइनल में

@ 24/11/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
World Team 2022 R5: Vidit and S L Narayanan propel India to the Quarterfinals

@ 23/11/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
यूएसए से जीत,भारत विश्व टीम चैंपियनशिप प्ले ऑफ में

@ 23/11/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
World Team 2022 R3-4: A mixed day for India

@ 22/11/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विश्व टीम चैंपियनशिप : यूएसए से जीत में प्ले ऑफ की चाभी

@ 22/11/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
World Team 2022 R1-2: India starts with two draws

@ 21/11/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विश्व टीम चैंपियनशिप D1 : भारत की फीकी शुरुआत

@ 21/11/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
India starts as the top seed in Group B at World Teams 2022 starting today

@ 20/11/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
कजाकिस्तान के अल्माटी में होगी विश्व रैपिड और ब्लिट्ज चैंपियनशिप

@ 13/11/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
V4 Chess presents 1st Bishan Singh Ji Memorial All India Open FIDE Rating Chess Tournament

@ 31/10/2022 by Himank Ghosh (en)
Women's Candidates 2022-23 Pool A QF: Anna Muzychuk advances to the Semifinals

@ 31/10/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
हिकारु नाकामुरा बने 960 विश्व शतरंज चैम्पियन

@ 31/10/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Women's Candidates 2022-23 Pool A QF: Anna Muzychuk forces tie-breaks

@ 30/10/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Women's Candidates 2022-23 Pool A QF: Humpy and Lei move closer to the Semifinals

@ 29/10/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Women's Candidates 2022-23 Pool A QF: Humpy and Lei stay ahead

@ 27/10/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Women's Candidates 2022-23 Pool A QF: Humpy makes a perfect start

@ 26/10/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Humpy to face Anna Muzychuk in the Pool A Quarterfinals of FIDE Women's Candidates 2022-23

@ 25/10/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Pranav Venkatesh Golden at World Youth U16 Olympiad 2022, Bronze for Tanisha Boramanikar

@ 11/10/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Youth U16 Olympiad 2022 R8: India strikes back against Kyrgyzstan

@ 10/10/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Youth U16 Olympiad 2022 R7: India loses to Uzbekistan-1

@ 09/10/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Youth U16 Olympiad 2022 R6: India squashes Mongolia

@ 08/10/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Youth U16 Olympiad 2022 R5: Iran draws with India

@ 07/10/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Youth U16 Olympiad 2022 R4: India bounces back strong against Uzbekistan-2

@ 06/10/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Youth U16 Olympiad 2022 R3: India suffers a loss against Kazakhstan by a minimum margin

@ 05/10/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Youth U16 Olympiad 2022 R2: Mexico loses to India 0.5-3.5

@ 04/10/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Youth U16 Olympiad 2022 R1: India whitewashes Panama 4-0

@ 03/10/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Vishy Anand becomes the new FIDE Deputy President

@ 08/08/2022 by ChessBase India (en)
Anand speaks on the Indian youngsters, Olympiad 2022 and the FIDE elections

@ 04/08/2022 by Himank Ghosh (en)
44th Chess Olympiad Anthem - Vanakkam Chennai Chess is out now

@ 21/07/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
The girl who broke all the barriers: Judit Polgar, the Queen of Chess

@ 20/07/2022 by Himank Ghosh (en)
The Ding Liren Interview on Candidates 2022

@ 09/07/2022 by Himank Ghosh (en)
How to balance chess and studies ft. Vantika Agarwal

@ 05/07/2022 by Himank Ghosh (en)
Candidates 2022 R14: Nepomniachtchi remains unscathed, Ding Liren second

@ 05/07/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
नेपो ही बने कैंडिडैट के राजा ,डिंग को दूसरा स्थान

@ 05/07/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Ian Nepomniachtchi wins Candidates 2022 with a round to spare

@ 04/07/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Breaking News: India will field third team in the Open section of 44th Chess Olympiad

@ 03/07/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
कैंडिडैट R 12 : नेपोमिन्सी का खिताब लगभग तय

@ 03/07/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Candidates 2022 R12: Radjabov dashes Ding Liren's hopes

@ 02/07/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
कैंडिडैट R11 : अलीरेजा को हरा ,नेपो खिताब की ओर

@ 01/07/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Candidates 2022 R11: Hyperbullet chess derails Firouzja

@ 01/07/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
कैंडिडैट R10 : दूसरे स्थान की लड़ाई हुई रोचक

@ 30/06/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Candidates 2022 R10: Nakamura vanquishes Firouzja

@ 30/06/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
कैंडिडैट R 9: कारुआना से ड्रॉ खेल नेपो की बढ़त मजबूत

@ 28/06/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Candidates 2022 R9: A day of firsts

@ 28/06/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
कैंडिडैट R 8 : नाकामुरा की कारुआना पर जीत से बढ़ा रोमांच

@ 27/06/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Candidates 2022 R8: Nakamura wins a positional masterpiece

@ 27/06/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे कैंडिडैट R 7 : नेपोमिन्सी और कारुआना का जलवा

@ 26/06/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Candidates 2022 R7: Fabulous Fabiano showcases fantastic technique

@ 26/06/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे कैंडिडैटस R6 : नेपोमिन्सी नें डूड़ा को दी मात

@ 24/06/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Candidates 2022 R6: Nepomniachtchi becomes 'The Shark'

@ 24/06/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Candidates 2022 R5: Be a Shark! - Magnus Carlsen

@ 23/06/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे कैंडिडैट R 5 : नेपोमिन्सी की एकल बढ़त बरकरार

@ 23/06/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Candidates 2022 R4: Nepomniachtchi crushes Firouzja

@ 22/06/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Candidates 2022 R3: Nakamura douses fiery Firouzja

@ 20/06/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे कैंडिडैट R2 : नाकामुरा की जोरदार वापसी

@ 19/06/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Candidates 2022 R2: Nakamura strikes back

@ 19/06/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे कैंडीडेट R1 : नेपो-कारुआना नें जीत से खोला खाता

@ 18/06/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Candidates 2022 R1: Caruana and Nepomniachtchi start with a win

@ 18/06/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
The highly anticipated FIDE Candidates 2022 starts today

@ 17/06/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे कैंडीडेट्स 2022 : कौन जीतेगा खिताब ?

@ 16/06/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
44th Chess Olympiad Official Logo, Mascot and Hashtag unveil

@ 10/06/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Ding Liren earns the final spot in the Candidates 2022

@ 19/05/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे कैंडीडेट्स : कार्याकिन की जगह खेलेंगे डिंग लीरेन

@ 18/05/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Vishy Anand would become the Deputy President if Dvorkovich wins the FIDE Presidential Elections 2022

@ 12/05/2022 by ChessBase India (en)
AICF announces biggest-ever Indian squad for 44th Chess Olympiad

@ 02/05/2022 by All India Chess Federation (en)
वेसली सो ने जीता तीसरे फीडे ग्रां प्री का खिताब

@ 06/04/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE signs contract with AICF for the 2022 Chess Olympiad

@ 02/04/2022 by ChessBase India (en)
Hikaru Nakamura and Richard Rapport in the Candidates 2022

@ 30/03/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Russia and Belarus teams suspended from Official FIDE tournaments

@ 25/03/2022 by ChessBase India (en)
FIDE Ethics imposes a six-month ban on Karjakin

@ 22/03/2022 by ChessBase India (en)
हंगरी के रिचर्ड रापोर्ट नें जीता बेलग्रेड ग्रां प्री का खिताब

@ 14/03/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Richard Rapport wins FIDE Belgrade GP 2022, now World no.7

@ 14/03/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Belgrade GP SF TB: Andreikin eliminates Giri

@ 12/03/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
बेलग्रेड फीडे ग्रां प्री : रिचर्ड रापोर्ट फाइनल में पहुंचे

@ 11/03/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Belgrade GP SF2: Richard Rapport advances to the Finals

@ 11/03/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Belgrade GP SF1: Rapport beats MVL

@ 10/03/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
बेलग्रेड फीडे ग्रां प्री : रिचर्ड के कदम फाइनल की ओर

@ 10/03/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Belgrade GP R6: Andreikin, Giri, Rapport and MVL advance to the Semifinals

@ 08/03/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
बेलग्रेड फीडे ग्रां प्री : रिचर्ड की हार पर टिकी विदित की उम्मीद

@ 07/03/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Belgrade GP R5: Rapport beats Vidit

@ 07/03/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
क्या फीडे ग्रां प्री के प्ले ऑफ में पहुंचेंगे विदित ?

@ 05/03/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Belgrade GP R4: Vachier-Lagrave wins to take sole lead in Pool D

@ 05/03/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Belgrade GP R3: Harikrishna holds Anish Giri to a draw

@ 04/03/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
बेलग्रेड फीडे ग्रां प्री : विदित की लगातार दूसरी जीत

@ 03/03/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Belgrade GP R2: Vidit beats Fedoseev to take a full point lead in Pool C

@ 03/03/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Belgrade GP R1: Vidit scores a fiery win against Shirov

@ 02/03/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
2nd leg of FIDE Grand Prix 2022 to begin in Belgrade with Vidit and Hari

@ 01/03/2022 by Ratnesh Ranjan (en)
FIDE Council condemns Russia's military action in Ukraine

@ 28/02/2022 by ChessBase India (en)
Invincible Nakamura wins FIDE Berlin GP 2022, his first Classical tournament in over 27 months

@ 18/02/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
हिकारु नाकामुरा बने बर्लिन फीडे ग्रां प्री 2022 के विजेता

@ 18/02/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Tie-breaks to determine FIDE Berlin GP 2022 winner

@ 17/02/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रां प्री 2022 - टाईब्रेक से होगा खिताब का फैसला

@ 17/02/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Berlin GP: An exciting start to the Finals

@ 16/02/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रां प्री 2022: फ़ाइनल : नाकामुरा -अरोनियन की बाजी बराबरी पर छूटी

@ 16/02/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
अरोनियन या नाकामुरा ? कौन जीतेगा बर्लिन ग्रां प्री का खिताब

@ 14/02/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Berlin GP: Undefeated Aronian and Nakamura advance to the Finals

@ 14/02/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Berlin GP: Aronian and Nakamura move closer to the Finals

@ 13/02/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Berlin GP: Rapport and Leinier win tie-breaks to reach Semifinals

@ 12/02/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Berlin GP R6: Nakamura makes a great escape against Esipenko

@ 11/02/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रां प्री 2022 :अब नाकामुरा भी सेमी फाइनल में

@ 11/02/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Berlin GP R5: Aronian storms into the Semifinals, Nakamura blazes Grischuk

@ 10/02/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रां प्री 2022: R5 : अरोनियन पहुंचे अंतिम चार में

@ 10/02/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Berlin GP R4: Vidit and Harikrishna still in the hunt

@ 08/02/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रां प्री 2022: R4 : विदित नें अरोनियन से खेला ड्रॉ

@ 08/02/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Berlin GP R3: Vidit Gujrathi decimates Daniil Dubov

@ 07/02/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रां प्री 2022: R3 : डुबोव को हरा विदित की शानदार वापसी

@ 07/02/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Berlin GP R2: Nakamura, Rapport and Leinier score a win

@ 06/02/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रां प्री 2022: R2 : हरिकृष्णा नें बर्लिन में वेसली को छकाया

@ 06/02/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Berlin GP R1: Aronian beats Vidit, Harikrishna draws

@ 05/02/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रां प्री 2022 : R1: अरोनियन से हारे विदित

@ 05/02/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Vidit and Harikrishna will be in action at FIDE Berlin GP 2022 starting today

@ 04/02/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रां प्री 2022 : अरोनियन से विदित तो शिरोव से टकराएँगे हरिकृष्णा

@ 03/02/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे ग्रां प्री 2022 : विदित और हरिकृष्णा के पास सुनहरा मौका !

@ 25/01/2022 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Vidit and Harikrishna aim for Candidates qualification at FIDE Grand Prix 2022

@ 23/01/2022 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Chess Championship - the Arena

@ 06/12/2021 by V Saravanan (en)
Dubai 2020 World School: Velammal Nexus tops Group A

@ 27/11/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विश्व चैंपियनशिप : नए नियम से क्या नया विश्व चैम्पियन मिलेगा ?

@ 15/11/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
विश्व रैपिड और ब्लिट्ज़ 2021 : कार्लसन ,हम्पी ,लागनों पर खिताब बचाने की चुनौती

@ 14/11/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
चीन की लेई टिंगजी बनी फीडे महिला ग्रांड स्विस विजेता

@ 09/11/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
अलीरेजा नें जीता ग्रांड स्विस , करूआना बने उपविजेता

@ 09/11/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Fiery Firouzja clinches FIDE Grand Swiss 2021, Qualifies to the Candidates with Caruana

@ 08/11/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Grand Swiss R10: Firouzja is back at the top and World no.4 once again

@ 07/11/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Grand Swiss R9: Caruana ends Firouzja's unbeaten run, Howell joins the three-way lead

@ 06/11/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रांड स्विस R9 : करूआना की अलीरेजा पर जीत से गर्माया माहौल , शशिकिरण ने भी की वापसी

@ 06/11/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे महिला ग्रांड स्विस R9 : जीत से जगाई हरिका नें उम्मीद

@ 06/11/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Grand Swiss R8: Firouzja beats Sasikiran, extends his sole lead and now World no.4

@ 05/11/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Grand Swiss R7: Sasikiran draws with World no.10 Maxime Vachier-Lagrave

@ 04/11/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रांड स्विस R7 : शशि नें मकसीम से खेला ड्रॉ अब अलीरेजा से सामना

@ 04/11/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे महिला ग्रांड स्विस R7 : हरिका को जीत की सख्त जरूरत

@ 04/11/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Grand Swiss R6: Sasikiran joins the five-way lead

@ 02/11/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे महिला ग्रांड स्विस R6 : जीत से चूकी हरिका

@ 02/11/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे ग्रांड स्विस R6 : शशिकिरण सयुंक्त बढ़त मे शामिल

@ 02/11/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Grand Swiss R5: Sasikiran beats Fedoseev

@ 01/11/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Grand Swiss R4: Harikrishna and Vaishali score a win

@ 31/10/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Grand Swiss R3: Harika squeezes water from stone

@ 30/10/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रांड स्विस R3 : निहाल नें फिर दिखाया कमाल

@ 30/10/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे महिला ग्रांड स्विस R3 : स्टेफनोवा को हरा हरिका ने पकड़ी रफ्तार

@ 30/10/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Peter Anand clinches Gold at FIDE World Amateur u-2000

@ 29/10/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Grand Swiss R2: Tenacious Nihal survives the Caruana challenge

@ 29/10/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रांड स्विस R2 : निहाल से नहीं जीत पाये करूआना

@ 29/10/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Grand Swiss R1: Arjun Erigaisi splits the point with Andrey Esipenko

@ 28/10/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रांड स्विस R1: निहाल सरीन की जीत से शुरुआत

@ 28/10/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE Grand Swiss 2021 starts today

@ 27/10/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रांड स्विस 2021: आखिरकार हुआ शुभारंभ

@ 27/10/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे ग्रांड स्विस : विदित और हरिका पर होगी नजरे

@ 08/10/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
विश्व महिला टीम चैंपियनशिप - भारत बना उपविजेता !

@ 03/10/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
India wins a historic Silver at World Women’s Team Championship 2021

@ 03/10/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
भारत फीडे विश्व टीम चैंपियनशिप के फाइनल में पहुंचा

@ 02/10/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
World Women’s Team 2021 SF: India advances to the Finals, sets up a clash with Russia

@ 02/10/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विश्व महिला टीम : हरिका - मेरी नें दिखाया दम ,सेमी फाइनल पहुंचे भारत के कदम ,पहली बार पदक पक्का

@ 01/10/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
World Women’s Team 2021 QF: India eliminates Kazakhstan and advances to the Semifinals

@ 01/10/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
World Women’s Team 2021 R5: India will face Kazakhstan in the Quarterfinals

@ 30/09/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विश्व महिला टीम चैंपियनशिप : भारत क्वाटर फाइनल में

@ 29/09/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
World Women’s Team 2021 R3-4: India advances to the Quarterfinals with a round to spare

@ 29/09/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विश्व महिला टीम चैंपियनशिप : भारत नें स्पेन को हराया

@ 28/09/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
World Women’s Team 2021 R1-2: India makes a steady start

@ 28/09/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विश्व महिला टीम चैंपियनशिप - अजरबैजान से है पहली टक्कर

@ 27/09/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Harika will spearhead India at FIDE World Women's Team Championship 2021

@ 27/09/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
MVP of Team India - Harika on her performance at FIDE Online Olympiad 2021

@ 21/09/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विश्व महिला टीम चैंपियनशिप मे हरिका पर होगा भार

@ 19/09/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
ऑनलाइन ओलंपियाड :टूटा सपना : यूएसए से हारा भारत : कांस्य पदक से करना होगा संतोष

@ 15/09/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE Online Olympiad 2021 SF: USA eliminates India

@ 14/09/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE Online Olympiad 2021 QF: India vanquishes Ukraine to advance to the Semifinals

@ 13/09/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
ऑनलाइन ओलंपियाड : उक्रेन से टकराने भारत तैयार

@ 12/09/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
ऑनलाइन ओलंपियाड : भारत पहुंचा क्वाटर फाइनल , उक्रेन से होगा मुकाबला

@ 10/09/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE Online Olympiad 2021 R7-9: India tops Pool B, advances to the Quarterfinals

@ 10/09/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ऑनलाइन ओलंपियाड D2 :भारत पहुंचा शीर्ष पर

@ 09/09/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE Online Olympiad 2021 R4-6: India ascends to the top

@ 09/09/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ऑनलाइन ओलंपियाड D 1 : मिस्र और स्वीडन पर भारत की जीत , फ्रांस नें चौंकाया

@ 08/09/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE Online Olympiad 2021 R1-3: Team India off to a flying start

@ 08/09/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
मिश्र के खिलाफ भारत करेगा अभियान की शुरुआत

@ 06/09/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE Online Olympiad 2021 Day 3: Nepal, Hong Kong and Lebanon advance

@ 23/08/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE Online Olympiad 2021: Everything on the line after Day 2

@ 22/08/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE Online Olympiad starts off with 400+ games on Day 1

@ 21/08/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE Grand Swiss tournaments to be held in Riga

@ 11/08/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Jan-Krzysztof Duda clinches FIDE World Cup 2021

@ 06/08/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
पोलैंड के यान डूड़ा बने फीडे विश्व कप 2021 के विजेता

@ 05/08/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Carlsen composes a symphony of positional sacrifice

@ 05/08/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Jan-Krzysztof Duda shatters Carlsen's World Cup dreams

@ 04/08/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विश्व कप फिर बना कार्लसन का ख्वाब ,डूड़ा ने दी मात

@ 03/08/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Alexandra Kosteniuk wins the FIDE Women's World Cup 2021

@ 03/08/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE Women's World Cup 2021 Final 1: Kosteniuk swindles Goryachkina

@ 02/08/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
शतरंज ओलंपियाड 2021 : विश्वनाथन आनंद करेंगे भारतीय टीम का नेत्तृत्व

@ 01/08/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Vishy Anand to lead the strongest team India at FIDE Online Olympiad 2021

@ 31/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2021 QF TB: Resilient Karjakin knocks out Shankland

@ 31/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विदित हुए विश्व कप से बाहर ,सपना टूटा हौसला नहीं

@ 30/07/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE World Cup 2021 QF2: Duda eliminates Vidit

@ 30/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2021 QF1: Carlsen and Shankland score convincing wins

@ 29/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विश्व कप QF - विदित और डूड़ा की पहली बाजी अनिर्णीत

@ 29/07/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE World Cup 2021 R5 TB: Carlsen wins an epic match against Esipenko

@ 28/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे विश्व कप - QF - विदित से होगा डूड़ा का मुक़ाबला

@ 28/07/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE World Cup 2021 R5.2: Vidit and Shankland through to the Quarterfinals

@ 27/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विदित नें रचा इतिहास : विश्व कप के अंतिम 8 में पहुंचे

@ 26/07/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE World Cup 2021 R5.1: Vidit makes a great escape

@ 26/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे विश्व कप R 5.1 : विदित नें बचाई मुश्किल बाजी

@ 25/07/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE World Cup 2021 R4 TB: Carlsen makes his way to the Round of 16

@ 25/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2021 R4.2: Vidit storms into Round of 16

@ 24/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
बुलंद इरादो के साथ विदित विश्व कप के अंतिम 16 में

@ 24/07/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE World Cup 2021 R4.1: Vidit beats Xiong, Pragg holds MVL to a draw

@ 23/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विश्व कप R4.1 : विदित नें भुनाया मौका ,जेफ्री को हराया

@ 22/07/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे विश्व कप : विदित - अधिबन मुक़ाबले नें रोकी साँसे

@ 21/07/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE World Cup 2021 R3 TB: Vidit wins a thriller against Adhiban

@ 21/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2021 R3.2: Harikrishna through to Round 4, Adhiban makes a comeback

@ 20/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2021 R3.1: Harikrishna, Vidit and Pragg score

@ 19/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे विश्व कप R3.1:अधिबन से जीते विदित : हरिकृष्णा , प्रग्गानंधा को जीत तो निहाल ,हरिका को मिली हार

@ 18/07/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Proposals to change FIDE's rating and title regulations

@ 18/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2021 R2 TB: Vidit conquers Fier

@ 18/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे विश्व कप - टाईब्रेक जीत विदित तीसरे दौर में

@ 18/07/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे विश्व कप R 2.2- निहाल -प्रग्गानंधा फिर चमके

@ 17/07/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE World Cup 2021 R2.2: Harikrishna, Adhiban, Pragg, Nihal and Harika advance to Round 3

@ 17/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2021 R2.1: Gukesh holds Dubov to a draw

@ 16/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे विश्व कप R2 : हरिका ,अधिबन ,प्रग्गानंधा जीते

@ 16/07/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
SRCC clinches FIDE Binance Business Schools Super Cup 2021

@ 15/07/2021 by Tarini Goyal (en)
FIDE World Cup 2021 R1 TB: Gukesh advances to Round 2

@ 15/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2021 R1.2: Gukesh to play tie-breaks

@ 14/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे विश्व कप R:1.2 - गुकेश करेंगे टाईब्रेक का सामना

@ 14/07/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE announces Online Olympiad 2021

@ 13/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE World Cup 2021 R1.1: Indian Men and Women off to a fantastic start

@ 13/07/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे विश्व कप का आरंभ - भारत की अच्छी शुरुआत

@ 13/07/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे नें जारी की विश्व कप शतरंज 2021 की अंतिम सूची

@ 22/06/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE and World Chess announce Grand Prix 2022

@ 19/06/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे ग्रां प्री 2022 की घोषणा , बदला फॉर्मेट , भारत से किसकी खेलने की संभावना ?

@ 18/06/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Sitges will host the FIDE World Women’s Team Championship

@ 07/06/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
2022 फीडे कैंडीडेट में कोनेरु हम्पी को मिला प्रवेश

@ 03/06/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे जिब्राल्टर महिला ग्रां प्री R1 - 3 जीत से हुआ आरंभ

@ 23/05/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
गिब्राल्टर महिला ग्रां प्री - हम्पी नहीं आएंगी नजर

@ 21/05/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE Candidates 2020 R14: Redemption, Hat-trick and Retirement

@ 28/04/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Ian Nepomniachtchi wins FIDE Candidates 2020 with a round to spare

@ 27/04/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Candidates 2020-21 R12: Giri beats Caruana with the black pieces

@ 25/04/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Candidates 2020-21 R11: Giri scores a thumping win over Ding Liren

@ 24/04/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Iniyan wins Silver at the 1st FIDE World University Online Individual Blitz Championship

@ 23/03/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
पी इनियन नें जीता फीडे यूनिवर्सिटी ब्लिट्ज़ रजत पदक

@ 23/03/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
विश्व यूनिवर्सिटी शतरंज - इनियन होंगे शीर्ष भारतीय

@ 12/03/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
GM Iniyan will start as the top Indian in 1st FIDE World University Online Individual Blitz

@ 12/03/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE approves hybrid format for World Cup 2021 qualifiers

@ 11/03/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
ग्रेंके बैंक बना विश्व कॉर्पोरेट शतरंज चैम्पियन

@ 22/02/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे कॉर्पोरेट विश्व चैंपियनशिप - भारतीय उम्मीद समाप्त , एलआईसी और टीसीआई का अच्छा प्रदर्शन

@ 21/02/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE Online World Corporate Championship: LIC, TCS Chennai and TCS Bangalore make strong finish

@ 21/02/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे कॉर्पोरेट विश्व चैंपियनशिप - निहाल नें अनीश से बांटा अंक , प्रग्गा की टीम टॉप पर

@ 20/02/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE Online World Corporate Championship: Nihal Sarin holds Anish Giri to a draw

@ 20/02/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
LIC will start as the top Indian team in 1st FIDE Online World Corporate Championship

@ 19/02/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे कैंडीडेट : अप्रैल मे मिलेगा कार्लसन को प्रतिद्वंदी

@ 16/02/2021 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Call for submissions: FIDE Veterans Support Program 2021

@ 12/02/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
First FIDE World University Online Championships announced

@ 06/02/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Expo 2020 Dubai to host FIDE World Chess Championship

@ 29/01/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
1st FIDE Online World Corporate Chess Championship 2021 registration is on

@ 28/01/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
How playing online blitz helped Nihal win the Gazprom Brilliancy Prize

@ 23/01/2021 by Sagar Shah (en)
FIDE will provide aid packages to Open Tournaments

@ 22/01/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Intercontinental ChessKid FIDE Challenge announced

@ 08/01/2021 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Nihal, Rakshitta and Gukesh win Gold in FIDE Online World Youth Rapid

@ 23/12/2020 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
फीडे यूथ में निहाल ,गुकेश, रक्षिता बने विश्व विजेता

@ 22/12/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Gukesh and Rakshitta advance to the Finals of FIDE Online World Youth Rapid

@ 22/12/2020 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विश्व ऑनलाइन यूथ - गुकेश और रक्षिता फाइनल में

@ 21/12/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Nihal, Gukesh, Rakshitta and Mrinmoy advance to the Semi-Finals of FIDE Online World Cadets and Youth Rapid

@ 21/12/2020 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
विश्व ऑनलाइन यूथ - निहाल सरीन सेमी फाइनल मे

@ 20/12/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE Online World Cadets and Youth Rapid: 12 Indians advance to the Quarter-Finals

@ 20/12/2020 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
First FIDE Online World Corporate Chess Championship announced

@ 15/12/2020 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Poland wins the first FIDE Online Olympiad for People with Disabilities

@ 07/12/2020 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE Online Olympiad for PWD R7: India 2 finishes ahead of India 1

@ 28/11/2020 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE Online Olympiad for PWD R6: India 1 is still in the hunt

@ 27/11/2020 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE Online Olympiad for PWD R5: Poland 2 too strong for India 1

@ 26/11/2020 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE Online Olympiad for PWD R4: India 1 holds top seed Poland 1 to a draw

@ 25/11/2020 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE Online Olympiad for PWD R3: India 1 in a six-way lead

@ 24/11/2020 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE Online Olympiad for PWD R2: India 1, 2 and 3 win

@ 23/11/2020 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE Online Olympiad for PWD R1: India 1 and 4 make a winning start

@ 22/11/2020 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE launches the First Online Olympiad for People with Disabilities

@ 21/11/2020 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
जिब्राल्टर मे होगी फीडे ग्रां प्री - हम्पी पर होंगी नजरे

@ 30/10/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे - सयुंक्त राष्ट्र संघ बैठक - आनंद ने लिया भाग

@ 24/07/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE announces Online Olympiad 2020

@ 30/06/2020 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
71 Trainer Titles awarded for the FIDE Trainers Seminar held from 29-31st May 2020

@ 20/06/2020 by Sagar Shah (en)
Sergey Karjakin in the 50th anniversary of Earth vs Space match

@ 04/06/2020 by Etery Kublashvili (en)
Last chance to be a part of the FIDE Online Trainers Seminar taking place from 29th to 31st May

@ 25/05/2020 by Sagar Shah (en)
कार्लसन और लागनों नें ही जीता फीडे स्टेनिज मेमोरियल

@ 19/05/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
स्टेनिज मेमोरियल :D2: डुबोव और लागनों निकले आगे

@ 17/05/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
स्टेनिज मेमोरियल - D1 : कार्लसन -कोस्टेनियुक बढ़त में

@ 16/05/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फबियानों करूआना : सर्वश्रेष्ठ नेशन्स कप खिलाड़ी

@ 12/05/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
चीन बना फीडे ऑनलाइन नेशन्स कप का विजेता

@ 11/05/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे नेशन्स कप:R:9&10 - चीन और अमेरिका फ़ाइनल में ,भारत को खूब खली आनंद की कमी

@ 10/05/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE Trainers Online Seminar for Indian Subcontinent from 29th to 31st of May 2020

@ 10/05/2020 by Sagar Shah (en)
फीडे नेशन्स कप :R-7&8 भारत की मिली पहली जीत

@ 09/05/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे नेशन्स कप:R-5&6: आनंद की दहाड़ पर फिर भी नहीं जीते हम

@ 08/05/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे नेशन्स कप:R 3 & 4 : यूरोप और चीन से हारा भारत

@ 07/05/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे नेशन्स कप:राउंड 1 & 2:अमेरिका से बराबरी तो रेस्ट ऑफ द वर्ल्ड से हारा भारत

@ 06/05/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे नेशन्स कप :D1:अमेरिका और रेस्ट ऑफ वर्ल्ड से खेलेगा भारत मुक़ाबला

@ 05/05/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
The biggest rating gainers in Indian chess in the last year

@ 01/05/2020 by Dnyansagar Gadgil (en)
फीडे ऑनलाइन नेशन्स कप - विश्वनाथन आनंद के नेत्तृत्व में खेलगी मजबूत भारतीय टीम

@ 24/04/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
जॉर्जिया की नाना दगनिडजे बनी लोसेन ग्रां प्री विजेता

@ 13/03/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
फीडे महिला ग्रां प्री R 9 - जॉर्जिया की दगनिडजे को एकल बढ़त

@ 12/03/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
लोसेन महिला ग्रां प्री R6:कोस्टेनियुक से हारी हरिका

@ 08/03/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
लोसेन महिला ग्रां प्री R5:हरिका गोरयाचकिना मैच ड्रॉ ,बढ़त बरकरार

@ 07/03/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
लोसेन महिला ग्रां प्री R4:हरिका ने दगनिडजे को हराया , बढ़त बरकरार

@ 06/03/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
लोसेन महिला ग्रां प्री R3 : विश्व चैम्पियन जु वेंजून को हराकर हरिका सयुंक्त पहले स्थान पर पहुंची

@ 05/03/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
लोसेन महिला ग्रां प्री R2- गोरयाचकिना बनी विश्व नंबर 3

@ 04/03/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
लोसेन महिला ग्रां प्री R1:हरिका नें क्रमलिंग से ड्रॉ खेला

@ 03/03/2020 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
भारत के प्रग्गानंधा बने लंदन फीडे ओपन विजेता

@ 07/12/2019 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
लंदन फीडे ओपन - प्रग्गानंधा खिताब जीतने के करीब

@ 06/12/2019 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
प्रग्गानंधा नें रचा इतिहास :सबसे कम उम्र में 2600 पार !

@ 05/12/2019 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
लंदन फीडे ओपन:प्रग्गानंधा की 5वी जीत,2600 के करीब

@ 04/12/2019 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
लंदन फीडे ओपन - चार जीत के बाद प्रग्गा नें खेला ड्रॉ

@ 03/12/2019 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
लंदन फीडे ओपन - प्रग्गानंधा की बेहतरीन जीत

@ 01/12/2019 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
लंदन फीडे ओपन - अरविंद -प्रग्गा की अच्छी शुरुआत

@ 30/11/2019 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
हिमल गुसैन नें जीता सुनीता सिंह मेमोरियल फीडे रेटिंग

@ 14/11/2019 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Stranded in the Italian

@ 08/11/2019 by Sagar Shah (en)
Grand Swiss final: Wang Hao is the all taking winner

@ 23/10/2019 by Satanick Mukhuty (en)
Grand Swiss R10: Who will qualify for the Candidates 2020?

@ 21/10/2019 by Satanick Mukhuty (en)
Grand Swiss R09: An array of strong performances with Vishy leading the way

@ 20/10/2019 by Satanick Mukhuty (en)
Grand Swiss R08: Vishy inches closer to the top

@ 19/10/2019 by Satanick Mukhuty (en)
प्रदीप पाठक बने सीनियर उत्तर प्रदेश शतरंज चैम्पियन

@ 19/10/2019 by Nitesh srivastava (hi)
Ramesh wins Mark Dvoretsky Award

@ 19/10/2019 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Grand Swiss R07: Aronian joins the lead, a mixed day for Indians

@ 18/10/2019 by Satanick Mukhuty (en)
Breaking news! Raunak Sadhwani is India's 65th GM

@ 18/10/2019 by Sagar Shah (en)
Grand Swiss R06: Vishy Anand's instructive lesson in Spanish

@ 16/10/2019 by Satanick Mukhuty (en)
Grand Swiss R05: The resurgence of the World Champion

@ 15/10/2019 by Satanick Mukhuty (en)
Grand Swiss R04: Magnus Carlsen survives a massive scare

@ 14/10/2019 by Satanick Mukhuty (en)
Grand Swiss R03: Adhiban and Vidit lead the Indian contingent

@ 13/10/2019 by Satanick Mukhuty (en)
Grand Swiss R02: Adhiban on a roll, Vishy bounces back

@ 12/10/2019 by Satanick Mukhuty (en)
Grand Swiss R01: Vishy's misfortune and Raunak's bravado

@ 11/10/2019 by Satanick Mukhuty (en)
Live games of Grand Swiss 2019

@ 10/10/2019 by Satanick Mukhuty (en)
Anand's last chance to make it to the Candidates 2020

@ 08/10/2019 by Satanick Mukhuty (en)
Humpy wins Skolkovo FIDE Women's Grand Prix 2019

@ 23/09/2019 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Humpy takes sole lead in Skolkovo FIDE Women's Grand Prix

@ 20/09/2019 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Humpy is now World no.3

@ 19/09/2019 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Humpy and Harika make a solid start at Skolkovo FIDE Women's Grand Prix

@ 15/09/2019 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
जून फीडे रेटिंग:आनंद,हम्पी शीर्ष 10 में, निहाल 2600 पार

@ 02/06/2019 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE Women`s Candidates Tournament kicks off in Kazan

@ 31/05/2019 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
Rating of Indian chess players reinstated by FIDE

@ 27/05/2019 by FIDE (en)
मॉस्को फीडे ग्रांड प्रिक्स - शुरू हुई सेमीफ़ाइनल की जंग

@ 24/05/2019 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
मई फीडे रेटिंग - भारतीय टीम का बढ़ता कद

@ 03/05/2019 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
FIDE Women's Candidates: Drawing of lots

@ 02/05/2019 by Shahid Ahmed (en)
FIDE's gesture to support seniors above the age of 65

@ 25/04/2019 by Sagar Shah (en)
Harikrishna is the only Indian in the FIDE Grand Prix series 2019

@ 21/02/2019 by Sagar Shah (en)
फीडे ग्रां प्री में पेंटाला हरिकृष्णा होंगे अकेले भारतीय

@ 20/02/2019 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
Chess in Olympics 2024?

@ 14/02/2019 by Sagar Shah (en)
Breaking: FIDE announces an additional qualification path to Candidates 2020 - FIDE Grand Swiss!

@ 11/01/2019 by Sagar Shah (en)
दिलीप त्रिपाठी ने जीता शिवानी यूपी स्टेट फीडे रेटिंग

@ 04/01/2019 by Nitesh Shrivastav (hi)
Seven Indians are members of FIDE commissions from 2018-2022

@ 31/12/2018 by Sagar Shah (en)
जू वेंजुन बनी फिर विश्व महिला शतरंज चैम्पियन

@ 25/11/2018 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
विश्व महिला शतरंज - हरिका द्रोणावल्ली भी हुई बाहर

@ 11/11/2018 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
World Championship Game 2: Caruana's homework "scares" Carlsen

@ 11/11/2018 by Sagar Shah (en)
विश्व महिला शतरंज 02- हम्पी -हरिका दोनों ने खेला ड्रॉ

@ 07/11/2018 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
विश्व महिला शतरंज - हरिका बढ़ी आगे : पद्मिनी की विदाई

@ 05/11/2018 by Niklesh Jain (hi)
विश्व महिला शतरंज - हम्पी अगले दौर में,भक्ति हुई बाहर

@ 04/11/2018 by Niklesh Jain (hi)

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